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Posts posted by SebastienG

  1. I've tested and it's work only if all groups are allowed in 'Groups allowed to see the countries flags'

    If all group are not selected, the member option for not displaying flag does not work

    It's not a problem for me, but if another customer have this problem, enable all group and the option will work.

    Thanks a lot. 

  2. The bug is strange. When the option is checked, i can't see my flag, but i can see other flags.

    On your screen, there Only Adriano User. 

    I'm the Caez User. One of screen with "See others flags" checked, and other with the option unchecked 647556861_Capturedcran2021-11-0809_38_38.thumb.png.98570c4eb17d6699ae0ca1daccbcd700.png1433727368_Capturedcran2021-11-0809_37_19.thumb.png.fa1739cad6aeb5d02631aee1a745b840.png

  3. On 10/26/2021 at 11:34 AM, Adriano Faria said:

    Account Settings?

    App settings?


    Ok, I understand now. Will make some tests. 


    A new version is pending approval to address the issues.

    Yes it's option on Account Settings 


  4. Hello, I have 2 small bugs

    If View members flags is unchecked by a member, the option is checked again on the next open of the setting (The value on the db stay )

    If all group are not allowed to see flags, the option "View members flags" disabled does not work. 
    the condition on the display function is not correct there no () for the OR condition. 

  5. On 6/20/2021 at 11:36 PM, Michael.J said:

    Sorry for the delay, are you on IPB 4.6 now? If so, I'll specifically test for that version. Are you able to reproduce this with the default theme to?

    Noted but might be a while until I can look at this.

    No i'm not using 4.6 at this time, i need to test it. 

    There are 2 actions:
    Remove the participant
    Delete Message
    I send death threats
    The person receiving the message alerts the message to decide to file a complaint
    The creator, removes the second participant and deletes the conversation.
    There is no longer any trace, the message is permanently lost and the alert no longer has the content of the message.

    The problem is that the private message creator decides the future of the message arrived at its destination.

    It's own the Private conversation and can permanently delete it at any moment. 
  7. The problem if not if the only participant would like to delete the mp

    It can be a legislative issue but generaly if the 2 members delete the message the wouldn't like to attack the other member

    The problem is the creator of the topic which can decide to remove the private message of another member 
    - Remove it from conversation remove the message on the other inbox
    - Delete from it's inbox launch a permently deleted 


  8. 2 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Nope. The user leaves the message but it’s still viewable and accessible by the other member.

    Look at this example: someone sent a message and left. I still can see and read.


    This message will be effectively deleted if I delete it now.

    In the reality no, the creator can delete the message. 


    Create a message to member2
    Member2 have the message
    You can delete the message and the Member2 have the message on the Inbox but it can't answer

    Create a message to member2
    Member2 have The message
    Remove Member2 of the conversation 
    Delete the message
    --> Number of participant = 0 -> The delete function is called -> The message is permently deleted 
    Member2 don't have the message 



    I've juste sent you a message


    Capture d’écran 2021-05-21 à 20.22.06.png

  9. Hello

    Actually it's possible for the creator of the private message to delete the sent message to the database even if the receiver would like to keep the message; The person receiving the message no longer has any trace of it.

    As if the sender of an email could delete the email at its destination.

    Private messages can be used for threats or for even more problematic content

    The person receiving a message must have the choice to keep or not the conversation.
    Ideally, we should allow a virtual deletion as for the posts and subjects that we could delete with the desired delay.
    There is still the is_deleted flag in the database which is no longer used, it could be used in this context.

    In my case I actually delete the messages after the minimum delay required by the legislation of my country.


  10. On 3/29/2021 at 5:55 PM, Jordan Invision said:

    Nice. What about using the Advertisements section? Create two new "ads" with the code and set defined keywords, then stick those keywords in your theme's global template code. Could that work?

    Are we asking for GTM to be native? 

    It's also be great to add custom variables or code to the tags. It's not possible with the advert system or with the analytics. 

  11. I've tested without this hooks, it's a hook for displaying a search when a topic is deleted.

    I've tested with the default theme. 

    After the error was on another hook

    The last error without them :

    Error: Call to a member function hidden() on null (0)
    #0 /www/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(143): IPS\Content\_Item->commentForm()
    #1 /www/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->manage()
    #2 /www/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #3 /www/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(39): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
    #4 /www/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->execute()
    #5 www/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #6 {main}

    It's a realy random problem. For reproduce it, i've open some topics and i post some messages. On some topic the error is generated.

    Point on a forum with error :

    Topic: 0

    Post: 2 


    I've tested with Rewards & Logs, Bank and  Statistics apps disabled, but i have the same problem, and I have log on admin cp. 

    I've tried to disable "Point for forum" but i have the same problem 

    if you don't have an idea, i will try on another install with all plugins and apps disabled 

  12. @Adriano Faria I have a random problem when the shop is enabled. 

    Error: Call to a member function hidden() on null (0)
    #0 /www/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(143): IPS\Content\_Item->commentForm()
    #1 [internal function]: IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->manage()
    #2 /www/init.php(893) : eval()'d code(53): call_user_func_array('parent::manage', Array)
    #3 /www/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\similarpages_hook_viewtopics->manage()
    #4 /www/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #5 /www/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(39): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
    #6 /www/init.php(893) : eval()'d code(209): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->execute()
    #7 /www/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\hook366->execute()
    #8 /www/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #9 {main}

    No problem when Membersshop is disabled.

    When the problem occurs, i have a 500 error with a blank page. Only on POST Queries on topic (Reply to a topic )

    I have upgraded and disabled some plugins / applications.

  13. Yes i so outdated, i will try a manuel translation 

    I'm using a few different version, because I'm using Secondary Group and no Primary Group. I need to allow member to add feature and each feature is on a group like Increase edition time, remove ads (If member not in group -> don't display ad ) , increase MP box size  ... 

  14. 3 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    The hook in register method is right. If you want to check before 1.0.9 is out, download /applications/membersshop/hooks/RegisterHook.php. The _createMember method should look like this;

    	public static function _createMember( $values, $profileFields, $postBeforeRegister = NULL, &$form )
    		$parent = parent::_createMember( $values, $profileFields, $postBeforeRegister, $form );

    It requires 4 parameters.

    Thanks, i will test registration process today with all plugins disabled. 

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