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Everything posted by TAMAN

  1. Thank you for your suggestions I will surly keep that in mind in feature updates ---- @media screen and (max-width: 979px){ .ipsApp_front .ipsBreadcrumb { display: block; } - you need to paste it manually in html templates
  2. .af_Container .linksBlo > .ipsDataList > li{ font-size: 14px; } The quick links block is an html block you can manually add any font awesome icon to any link example <li><i class="fa fa-home"> </i><a href="#">Forums</a></li>
  3. which block font? add font awesome to what?
  4. Version 3.1.0 released Minor bug fixes Improvement to Topic view "All the settings are in Topic view tab" Adding new settings to customize Quote background, font and header color. Adding new setting to customize the topic separator border color. Adding new settings to customize the Editor toolbar colors. many more improvements... Use
  5. Oh, so you're talking about the image borders, the border separators in images are quite useful i dont think i will make any changes in that, This is not only in magnum theme, in fact i haven't even edited anything of that, it is same as the default ips theme but it is not really hard to remove it as jcdesign mentioned above you can remove it .ipsImage_thumbnailed { border: none; } If you want to remove it everywhere then img,.ipsImage { border: none; } Add it to custom.css
  6. mmm, I still dont underestand, whats wrong with the image? are you talking about the border separators? the circle around the images?
  7. Not sure what you mean by that! what png files exactly? in topic attachments? can you show me an image I have noticed the issue a couple days ago, it is because this setting in custom tab I have already fixed in the new version comes soon. Totally noted, Thank you For Page Scroll UP button, there are a couple free plugins in marketplace you can use Thank you.
  8. Thank you, Im glad to hear that you and your members love it, and reviews are highly appreciated, thanks btw in next few days, maybe a week, i will be releasing next update that adds more settings and improvements to the theme including color settings for quotes/codes you mentioned, If you have any more suggestions feel free to let me know.
  9. You're welcome there are 5 custom slides if you need more, you better use Pages
  10. https://www.google.com/search?client=aff-maxthon-maxthon4&channel=t26&q=how to%2Bvideo%2Bbackground%2Bweb
  11. Hello. The color is connected with the topic background, whatever your topic background setting is the separator line will be same, But you can use custom.css to chage the color to whatever you want, i can help I will be adding more color settings in next update. There is a setting to change the logo height in header tab, However, the userbar is fixed to top of the navigation, it moves along with the navigation. if your logo is not too height and cause the navigation to move down then everything should be fine. Magnum theme comes with its own footer, it is not the same as this one https://invisionpower.com/files/file/8459-advanced-footer, the footer is build in the theme, but you're right it is confusing haha i will change the description in magnum theme later, as for the article styles its optional addon and comes free https://invisionpower.com/files/file/8328-a-different-article-styles/ Im glad that you like it
  12. @media screen and (max-width: 979px) { header .ipsLayout_container #elLogo { display: block; } } .ipsDrawer_menu{ background: rgba(17, 23, 28, 0.77); /* mobile version navigation */ }
  13. Sorry This should be fine now .ta-userNav { top: 100px; bottom: initial; } .ta-userNav #elUserNav{ padding: 7px 15px; } .ta-userNav #elUserNav:before { border-left: none; } html[dir="rtl"] .ta-userNav #elUserNav, html[dir="ltr"] .ta-userNav #elUserNav{ background-color: {hextorgb="userbar_bg" opacity="0.80"}; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to left, {hextorgb="userbar_bg" opacity="0.80"} , {hextorgb="userbar_bg" opacity="0.15"}); background: linear-gradient(to left, {hextorgb="userbar_bg" opacity="0.80"} , {hextorgb="userbar_bg" opacity="0.15"}); border-right: none; border-radius: 3px; }
  14. @Unlucky I dont know what was the issue with advanced footer on your website, the plugin settings were all listed in one tab, i deleted the plugin and installed it again everything seems to be working fine now, I believe plugin update caused the issue, let me know if you need something else.
  15. Maybe send me a login info with access to plugins and themes only? i will check it for you, what you describe doesnt seem to be something to do with my plugin at all :/
  16. mmm, What do you mean not properly?
  17. Theme updated to version 3.0.1 fixing what you mentioned, also adding a new setting to hide header image on mobile Use upload a new version to update
  18. Thats the default ips templates as opentype mentioned If you have deleted and re added the templates, you must also re add the template styles to your database or blocks
  19. Just upgraded and fixed the issue You can download Thanks for reporting.
  20. you're right it happens when the header is wide and navigation is fixed anyways i fixed that and upgraded to version 2.0.1 you can download
  21. Hey, i just re added the file and fixed the issue you can redownload -- I lost all of my screenshots and edits i made previously, agh
  22. mmm, i just downloaded and tested, it seems like the issue still exists lol I may have accidentally clicked on restore instead of deleting the version in my marketplace file, Sometimes i just add more screenshots or replacing the marketplace file primary screenshot and because of that marketplace adds a new version automatically so i usually delete the previous one so it does not confuse customers but looks like this time i have clicked on restore instead of delete xD my bad i will fix it as soon as possible
  23. I know there was a bug in S1 two column first featured i already have fixed the issue long time ago, if you check the update channel here you can see https://invisionpower.com/files/file/8328-a-different-article-styles/ maybe you're using old version of a different article styles? Once again if you do not delete the old templates here ACP > Pages > Templates you will always get this error, so you must delete every single template before installing it
  24. i just changed the usernav class name this should work now .ta-userNav .ipsLayout_container{ max-width: 100%; } .ta-userNav .ipsLayout_container{ top: 100px; bottom: initial; } .ta-userNav #elUserNav{ padding: 7px 15px; } .ta-userNav #elUserNav:before { border-left: none; } html[dir="rtl"] .ta-userNav #elUserNav, html[dir="ltr"] .ta-userNav #elUserNav{ background-color: {hextorgb="userbar_bg" opacity="0.80"}; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to left, {hextorgb="userbar_bg" opacity="0.80"} , {hextorgb="userbar_bg" opacity="0.15"}); background: linear-gradient(to left, {hextorgb="userbar_bg" opacity="0.80"} , {hextorgb="userbar_bg" opacity="0.15"}); border-right: none; border-radius: 3px; } Sorry what space exatly? there is nothing wrong in the screenshot :/
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