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Everything posted by TAMAN

  1. wait! no no im sure someone else wanted to exclude the slider on club forums only anyways, leave it Enjoy!
  2. No sorry, this is not a feature to add Header is designed how it appears and it wont be changed unfortunately, but thank you
  3. Oh i totally misunderstood then I thought you wanted to exclude the slider in club forums only and not on main forums app yea i did add that option to exclude on forum categories like a week ago LOL keep your eyes on update changes Cheers!
  4. Nope, i didn't try to be honest, forums is forums and it is not possible to exclude it only on clubs with the way im excluding these pages in theme settings which are basically page modules and page controllers
  5. Version 4.1 Palette is now available in this theme, You can switch between a white and dark version of the theme or adding your own preset of colors, Please read the palette description in theme settings. Added user group option to News ticker, You can now choose who can see the news ticker. Added "Forums: Categories" to slider exclude option For faster scrolling Body: Background attachment setting has been removed. during theme upgrade, this setting wont be removed on your side unless you install the theme fresh, So just ignore it Fixing minor CSS issues and improvements How to update? ACP --> Customization ---> Themes
  6. Version 2.1 Palette is now available in this theme, You can switch between a white and dark version of the theme or adding your own preset of colors, Please read the palette description in theme settings. Added user group option to News ticker, You can now choose who can see the news ticker. Added "Forums: Categories" to slider exclude option For faster scrolling Body: Background attachment setting has been removed. during theme upgrade, this setting wont be removed on your side unless you install the theme fresh, So just ignore it Fixing minor CSS issues and improvements How to update? ACP --> Customization ---> Themes
  7. Version 1.1 Palette is now available in this theme, You can switch between a white and dark version of the theme or adding your own preset of colors, Please read the palette description in theme settings. Added user group option to News ticker, You can now choose who can see the news ticker. Added "Forums: Categories" to slider exclude option For faster scrolling Body: Background attachment setting has been removed. during theme upgrade, this setting wont be removed on your side unless you install the theme fresh, So just ignore it Fixing minor CSS issues and improvements How to update? ACP --> Customization ---> Themes
  8. Thats normal, my cusotm css should be before anything else. Use !important for your css selectors in custom.css you do not need to create a custom css template or simply target the class differently and not same as what i use in my custom.css ^^
  9. Version 4.1.2 For faster page scrolling Body: Background attachment setting has been removed. during theme upgrade, this setting wont be removed on your side unless you install the theme fresh, So just ignore it "Colorizer" name is now changed to "Palette" Please read its description before you attempt to use it. One more preset is added to Palette, Thanks to @thomasdouscha How to update? ACP --> Customization ---> Themes
  10. So sorry, I just copy pasted and forgot to change the center to left anyways let me know if i can help on anything else Have a good day
  11. Yea, but it is same as default IPS theme so i might ignore it haha Hey! Thanks for the review
  12. Sorry i thought you wanted the quick links to be aligned left this will align all to left side on tablets and mobiles @media screen and (max-width: 979px){.af_Layout .ipsColumns.rowOne .ipsColumn, .af_Layout .ipsColumns.rowTwo .ipsColumn { text-align: center; }}
  13. oh sorry remove the other css and replace it with this one then im just adding a text-align tho .linksCol .linksBlo ul { width: 100%; text-align: left; } Thank you.
  14. I know and i already gave you the css to fix and it is already fixed on your website .af_Container .ipsColumn {padding: 0px 7px;}
  15. It is already full width same as your website wrapper, but the links on right side supposed to be 2 columns so it fills the whole area still it shouldn't happen like this if only one column used, so i will improve it in next version for now you can add this to custom.css so the links expand on both desktop and mobile .linksCol .linksBlo ul {width: 100%;} It is already like this, the gap is just a padding on top and bottom Sure, just add this to custom.css .af_Container .linksBlo .ipsDataList li, .af_Container .articlesBlo li {border-bottom: 1px solid;} It is aligned, But some of the font awesome icons are smaller that the others even if you set same font size, they cant be perfectly aligned unless you give it a fixed width as you said your self, But you dont need to do that just give The "Privacidade" word one more space on left side and it should be okay Sorry for the troubles and hope i answered all your questions, Have a good day
  16. Oh Sorry, If only IPS added some specific ID when a menu has sub menus, i would have already done that, But i cant, and i dont want to edit navbar items template just to tweak a little bit for this arrow
  17. Im sorry, If its not possible then i cant do anything, this is basically just styles
  18. Hello, I'm sorry, Currently this is not possible, i will have to add an extra setting to select from pages page, Maybe in next update but no promises Thank you
  19. Hello, Check the block configuration settings Im not sure if this can be done in pages blocks tho
  20. Update Version 4.1.1 Fixed minor CSS Issues. Added new color scheme to Colorizer tab "Green and light brown" thanks to @Josiah Wallingford for being the first one adding a new customized colors to colrozier, How to update? ACP --> Customization ---> Themes Sorry for the delay, can you explain a little bit more? a screenshot maybe
  21. @Bluto I just upgraded the theme again without adding any version, the Navbar opacity setting wasn't used, re-download and update the theme. thanks for reporting
  22. I will check today and update if it doesnt work thank you
  23. Dont edit any templates, add your customizations in custom.css please put number 1 and it should be solid color
  24. Sorry this isnt a flat theme but of course you can remove the shadows just post me a screenshot and link to check what shadow you want to remove
  25. It is a tab but looks like the tab bar and tab buttons have same color it is in buttons tab
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