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Everything posted by TAMAN

  1. Profile widgets background connected with IPS Box background Background located in Body tab Widget background changes widget backgrounds not anything else, for example any widget that you manually drag and drop any where
  2. @mz_ Please re-download and update the theme No version number added
  3. I will add custom ticker field back soon
  4. No, Just ad this to custom.css to make it normal .ipsType_sectionTitle { text-transform: none; }
  5. It is NOT resized nor cutting It is the full image and just zoomed in or out to adjust the image to fit in the slider btw there is also a setting in swiper slider tab to adjust the image position it is well explained on how to use you might want to play with that maybe
  6. No this is not possible, it doesn't even make sense man, If you want the image to be perfect and same width and height in slider then you MUST upload an image that is same width and same height, otherwise how on earth would you fit an image that is for example 1000px x 1000px in a slider that is 1340px x 600px ?? you either have to zoom in or out to fit or do nothing and just put it in which is an ugly style @pilotguy btw you have to upgrade the theme to latest version, a lot of improvements
  7. Version 4.1.1 Easier way to add tickers in "News Ticker" Improving "Style your forums" cover user group setting, It is now "Exclude from groups" instead showing to groups How to update? ACP --> Customization ---> Themes
  8. Version 4.1.4 Easier way to add tickers in "News Ticker" Improving "Style your forums" cover user group setting, It is now "Exclude from groups" instead showing to groups How to update? ACP --> Customization ---> Themes
  9. Version 2.1.1 Easier way to add tickers in "News Ticker" Improving "Style your forums" cover user group setting, It is now "Exclude from groups" instead showing to groups How to update? ACP --> Customization ---> Themes
  10. Version 1.1.1 Easier way to add tickers in "News Ticker" Improving "Style your forums" cover user group setting, It is now "Exclude from groups" instead showing to groups How to update? ACP --> Customization ---> Themes
  11. Hi, Sorry it is not possible at this time, but good idea, maybe in feature updates I'm glad that you like the theme, let me know if i can help on anything
  12. Added by @Josiah Wallingford so thank him not me
  13. Yea, I had to move the body background image to a new element to reduce the scrolling janks, Now the theme scrolls as fast as me killing everyone in PUBG school area @TheJackal84 I hope you dont mind me tagging you here In your plugin "profile Backgrounds" Try to avoid using the images on body element, this causes scrolling janks (laggy scrolling), especially with "background-attachment: fixed" So, for your plugin try add a new element for the background images with z-index and you dont even need to use !important on anything and it will always be on top of body Or using ::before pseudo element on body, You can simply copy my css codes in my themes you can check here http://hellshammers.net/tit/
  14. Version 4.1.3 Fixed "Style your forums" settings that throws errors if you don't have forums app installed. Improving the dark scheme in Palette tab if you are using the dark version you just need to re click the dark option in palette tab to update colors. One more preset is added to Palette, Dark Blue, Thanks to @Josiah Wallingford How to update? ACP --> Customization ---> Themes
  15. You dont have forums app installed ? there is a setting that customizes forums and im afraid that could cause theme editing issues if you dont have forums app I will check and do a quick update today, please be patient
  16. I dont think so :/. themes need be installed in acp
  17. Hello, This dont seem to be a theme issue, What IPS version are you using? and i just double checked installing it everything works fine and nobody ever reported any issues like this to be honest
  18. Hello, These images are quite old in marketplace i will change it when i can however this theme for ips 4.2 is completely redesigned, evetything is way better and with more features And there is a user bar style setting in Header tab you can switch to two different style as for the colorizer, It is still same, dark and white version, the palette side on the image above were used only for navigation not everything so it is removed now there will be more color presets in this theme in time
  19. But It doesn't matter if it comes before or after, It works if you use it properly as i have replied targeting the selectors differently or using !important, and i have replied on first post tell me what box shadow's you want to remove so i can help anyway, try to add this in custom.css *{box-shadow:none!important;text-shadow:none!important;} This should remove any box-shadow and any text shadow used on any elements Have a good day
  20. Again, there is no such thing like all box shadows, box shadow have been used on countless areas on IPS theme and this has nothing to do with behemoth theme brother, i might have added box shadow to only 4-5 areas like sidebars,wrapper, navbar, custom footer thats all and again, if you want me to help removing box shadows AND in custom.css then as i said earlier post screenshots and point to whatever that places you want to remove the box shadows, and then yes i can remove it ALL in one line and in custom.css You been talking about this "all box shadow" since few posts and arguing you cant remove it in custom.css, well, I CAN DO IT FOR YOU just tell me what box sahdow for the love of god xD
  21. You clearly misunderstood me anyways, Have a good day
  22. You can remove all with one line and in custom.css
  23. If you had just told me what box shadow you trying to remove i could have simply posted a css to add in custom.css and saved you all the trouble lol
  24. Nothing really, its same but easier, you have custom.css you do not need to create another custom css template all your customizations can be added in custom.css if some css rules doesnt work because of my custom CSS template then you can simply use !important for your css properties or targeting differently for example if .fo{} doesnt work try body .fo{} or whatever simple
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