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  1. Marc's post in [bug] 4.6.7 - Can't Enable/Disable Two Factor Authentication was marked as the answer   
    I think its very likely this was an anomaly in your data there, but will pass on the information in any case. I havent seen this happen in the thousands I have seen updated from those releases
  2. Marc's post in Multi-word searches here on the site broken was marked as the answer   
    Where is it you are seeing this? I ask as that looks like our community, however I cant replicate it doing that my end.
    Edit: Oh, actually I think I know what you mean here. These are clickable items. So you Would click and it would search using AND
  3. Marc's post in Migrating IPS site to new domain: Font Awesome issues was marked as the answer   
    If you are physically moving the tested site to another server, then take a look at the guidelines here. You can however selectively use the information you need from this to switch from dev to live
    The main things to remember when doing this are the following
    If you are converting the other system, do a test first. This will save you having issues on the day you do it for real, and you will know what to expect Use -TESTINSTALL at the end of your license key, to use your test key instance. That way you dont have any issues with switching to your live domain. You just move it and set your live license key Any issues at all, go to ACP->Support (top right) and see that page to see if there is anything showing up, and (as already mentioned) use clear cache Make sure if you are moving from a subfolder, you change any .htaccess files (and indeed ensure you move that, as I have seen people miss that where its hidden) When changing your conf_global.php file, back it up, then change it. That way if you make a mistake, you can repeat that process. I have seen many times someone accidentally delete or add something that breaks the site on moving items
    One thing you can do to speed up the process, is if you are moving from one location to another with the physical files, make a copy of all the files in advance. Then you can just replace those which have been added or changed.
  4. Marc's post in Clean install of the newest software with old database? was marked as the answer   
    Note, what you are trying to do here isnt an intended way for the system to be used. You cannot do a cleanup really without upgrading your site to the latest release of the platform, unless you happen to have a copy of the files. The correct way to clean things up from older installs if needed would be 
    Create a FULL backup
      delete all files/folders apart from
    constants.php (if you have one)
      Upload a fresh set of files from your client area Note, this would not in any way account for 3rd party items. So you may have folders in the applications folder from 3rd party items you need to keep, and also the plugins folder if you have any plugins. Also note, the above is based on  your being on the latest release
  5. Marc's post in "Block" feature? rather that just "ignore" was marked as the answer   
    You can delete a user in the admin CP, then choose the option to delete that members posts. Items that have already been quoted would remain though unfortunately. There is no way in which to automatically remove those.
  6. Marc's post in Bugs in licence validation was marked as the answer   
    There seems to be a significant amount of confusion here. Sorry if you feel we have not been clear here, and let me see if we can get this cleared up.
    There has been no stating that these can be changed x times per year. In fact generally, these can only be changed yourself when changing your main license. However as stated in the ticket a few times and on here, we can do this for you. Not only can we do this for you, but it has already been done for you.
    The second part of the confusion is what happens. We do not set the licensed test URL. If you wish for me to do so, I can certainly do that, but we would generally 'reset' the test URL. By this, it means it is wiped. Yours is currently reset, so you can use it on the test URL you specified, on that non-standard URL specified. A URL (test or production) is actually set when the license polls the server. So when your system at that 8443 URL polls the server, it will set the test URL on file. 
    I am very much confused here as to why you are stating we are not allowing you to change your test instance. Our very first response to you here stated we can certainly do that for you. My first response in your ticket also stated the same (and indeed reset that test URL)
    In summary here. You want to set your test URL to a new URL as you are using a different port. Your licensed test URL has therefore been wiped so you can use your test instance on that new URL (the one on 8443) should you wish to do so. 
  7. Marc's post in Unable to edit member title in profile settings was marked as the answer   
    Custom member titles are no longer present in the latest release of the platform. On older versions, users can change them on their profile, provided they have the relevant permissions
  8. Marc's post in Some sections of the admin panel take a long time to load was marked as the answer   
    You would need to therefore contact your hosting company on your issues with converting to INNODB, as this is most likely to be what is causing your issues
  9. Marc's post in Default Theme, CSS Bug - User Profile and Search Menu was marked as the answer   
    These should now be resolved. Thanks for letting us know
  10. Marc's post in Pages DB permission help needed was marked as the answer   
    This is a category setting. So if you edit a category, you will see this on the first tab.
  11. Marc's post in Oauth & Offline was marked as the answer   
    Then yes, indeed that would be expected. The only items that would work would be logging in internally with users who can see  the site when the site is offline. There would be no way in which to use the oauth web service if the site is offline
  12. Marc's post in Inexplicable? Error code: 2S119/1 on a specific computer was marked as the answer   
    I see from your ticket that this appears to have been an issue with Varnish cache. Please let us know if you have any further issues of course
  13. Marc's post in Users can't create clubs was marked as the answer   
    Have you added clubs to your navigation somewhere? I'm not sure if you cannot get to clubs itself, or can get there but cannot see the create button. I suspect it's the former. If so, you just need to add it to your menu. See the following guide on setting up your menu
  14. Marc's post in Badge Icons was marked as the answer   
    If you choose to keep your own, as it seems you have there, then the new default set would not be added to your system. I can certainly go ahead and add those as a cloud customer if you would like me to go ahead and do that? Would you like everything in the ranks/rules/badges areas removing entirely and replacing with the new default sets?
    With yours, as a self hosted customer you would need to do this using the files in your download. You can find the XML import files for these in \applications\core\data\achievements
  15. Marc's post in Gallery presale question was marked as the answer   
    You can indeed. You just need to ensure that in the users group they have "Can upload movies?" selected
    Image types are gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp and video types flv, f4v, wmv, mpg, mpeg, mp4, mkv, m4a, m4v, 3gp, mov, avi, webm, ogg, ogv
    If someone had the direct link, they would be able to use that direct link. They would of course need to know the link in the first place
    You would always be charged your full renewal price for whatever applications you currently own.
  16. Marc's post in [Downloads] Moderation, Editing and Copy Settings Issue was marked as the answer   
    OK so on discussing this, its actually intended workflow. You can only actually have one pending and one latest version at any one time. So in order to add a new version you would first either need to reject or approve the version that is pending.
  17. Marc's post in Upgrading from 4.3 to 4.6. Index outside of main folder was marked as the answer   
    1 - You are checking the version 3 to version 4 section there, so you dont have that, as you arent on version 3.
    2 - You should obtain an updated version of your language pack from the author, or update any changed translations yourself if you have manually translated.
    3 - If this is needed, the upgrader will walk you through that process
    4 - You are not upgrading from content to pages. As mentioned above, you are looking at version 3 to version 4. Thats not the process you are running. You are already on version 4 (you're on 4.3)
    5 - This is not something that is available any longer. If you wish to use pages at root, you would move your site to root and set pages as the default application. You can see how to do this here


    6 - You will need to check any 3rd party items you have on your site are compatible
  18. Marc's post in Designer Mode and Pages CSS was marked as the answer   
    These would be in themes/cms . I can see them there on your system
  19. Marc's post in Uncaught Exception in System Logs was marked as the answer   
    It seems this was an issue with the data we were given to import there unfortunately
  20. Marc's post in Old Custom Member Titles not removed after new update was marked as the answer   
    The custom titles which are no longer present within the software. These are only still there because of a 3rd party "enhance user info panel" plugin you are using
    Just a quick note also, you could do with switching your tables to INNODB there. This is likely one of the reasons for the lag on your site
  21. Marc's post in Change 500 error texts was marked as the answer   
    You should not actually change the core files. If you wish to use your own error file, you can do this by adding a constants.php file, and pointing to a new error file. So you would add something like 
    <?php define('ERROR_PAGE','newerrorpage.php');  
  22. Marc's post in Errors in system logs & looping notifications was marked as the answer   
    On looking at the response from my colleague there, it seems those were actually valid notifications being received there
  23. Marc's post in Admin CP icons broken after custom domain applied was marked as the answer   
    I believe this has now been resolved. Please let us know if you are still having issues of course.
  24. Marc's post in Cleaning the member list. was marked as the answer   
    There is no way in which to manage these within the software at present, unfortunately. It may be worth taking a look within the marketplace however, as I believe there are 3rd party items in there which will allow you to manage these automatically
  25. Marc's post in File version on page title was marked as the answer   
    This already shows on the page title by default if there is a version added. The only place it doesnt show is the download listing
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