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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. The only real way to tell what country someone is coming from is via IP address, and since you can add a ban for IPs, then we already have that functionality. You would just add the IPs needed
  2. No problem at all. Glad you got what you need 🙂
  3. There is no RSS feed for that available at present, unfortunately.
  4. Customisation->Appearance->Themes You would click on where it says "Enabled" and it changes to disabled. If you have it set to your default theme however, you would need to switch your default theme first by clicking the edit button on another theme and selecting that as default. This would be the same if you wish to delete it. I believe that may be where you are having issues with disabling, but please let us know if its not.
  5. We need more information here as to exactly what is not working. I am able to use the block manager no problem at all. Note, I am using a default theme, which you should be doing if you are testing an issue
  6. As mentioned, you could bypass it just to get your site back online. The problem with doing this, is you dont know if your server is seeing an old version of the file, or if permissions are incorrect what other implications it will have for the upgrade. And of course you will have the same problem on the next upgrade as you havent really solved the issue. If you do decide to do this, please ensure you remove the line afterwards, as leaving it there will never check anything. Which could cause you a lot more issues.
  7. This is correct. If you are then not seeing anything, please let us know
  8. We offer the enterprise packages, which, in part, contain a level of custom development requirements. There is not actually a 'part-time' thing that can be done for development really. There are costs to keep it up to date with the software, support costs for ongoing issues etc. This is not to mention the removal of key developers from other tasks which need to be performed on the core product. We certainly provide support. We simply do not provide development. With the issue in question here. Do you want it removing entirely so that you can re-add it, as we discussed yesterday?
  9. In addition to the above, if your table is now no longer actually that size, you should dismiss the message. Only if it returns should you be concerned with whether or not it has happened
  10. Even in that scenario, copying the site by doing a 'move' then deleting what you dont need is a much much quicker approach
  11. Nothing at all. That was the reason I asked the question 🙂
  12. Hold your thought there. You are doing this only because you are moving hosts? If so, you dont need to do a conversion in any way. You would simply move the site
  13. Once its loaded on your video there, the scroll bar is not present, which would be expected. With regard our site, we simply havent got the patch on here as of yet
  14. I will need to get someone to get back to you on this, in order to advise on that end of things. I have flagged this for someone to take a look at.
  15. Are you checking this on a default unaltered theme first of all?
  16. Please check the support area in your admin CP. There was a patch that went out which resolves this issue
  17. Sorry, it seems your topic was missed here for some reason. These would be stored in your spam service logs, and also stored in the users profile in the admin CP. They would not be immediately erased no.
  18. I was about to remove the files, when I noticed its showing installed on your system, however showing as disabled. Please could you confirm what you would like to do here?
  19. If the logs are less than 30 days old, then it will indeed stay the same size as nothing will have been pruned. You may wish to reduce that temporarily
  20. Ive created a ticket for you on this, so we can get it looked into further
  21. In the location you have your ips4.php file, it is running with too low a memory_limit. So if its showing that in PHPInfo, you will need to check where this is being overrode The location you have an installation is not one of your test installations, nor a live installation. If you are using it as test you must use your test installation key as per your license agreement
  22. We would not assist in the placing of files on a self hosted environment as part of support
  23. I would suggest disabling cloudflare entirely and checking. Its very very likely this is what is causing your issues. Especially as its only some users
  24. This was actually advised to you by another customer, looking at the topic you asked about this on. We may point out 3rd party items, but their use is always something that is at your own risk. Just thought I would let you know so that you are aware for anything else you install. In the case of this one however, it does sound a little odd. What would generally happen is there is an actual app already installed, rather than there being files present. Are you seeing it both in uninstalled applications and in installed applications above it?
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