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    Charlotte, NC

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  1. Wasn't enough to cause me any real heartache, I just updated and then read, I should have read first. No worries, worth every penny.
  2. Are we saying that I just paid a renewal fee for nothing?
  3. Mine is not posting (creating) posts in the topic I specified nor is it doing the Chat Box function. Not sure if anything else but for me that is pretty significant. Error logs are clean
  4. @Fostersis this going to be updated for Version 4,5 ? I would really like to have it back in production on my site?
  5. Just looking for an update on this! I just launched a new site and not having our Auto Welcome working is very frustrating. Anyone know where we are at on this one?
  6. Any update on the update/fix for this?
  7. I thought the records were updated? I bought this from Taman. My account is asking for me to rebuy???
  8. I can only share what fixed mine, In the "Custom" setting tab there is a setting for Javascript Include Location, I changed mine from Just Before to Inside the <head> It fixed it immediately
  9. I may have found it but it doesn't let me have it without paying $20. I thought the records were updated? I bought this from Taman.
  10. Where is this "new submission"? The only thing I can find is the old one from Taman
  11. Will this be a different series of code to change the font size for the Gamozilla Theme? Never mind, I tried it and it works for both, thank you very much!
  12. Roger that, I think the coding for the custom CSS has changed, that's probably why I missed it... I think it used to be .ta_themeNT #ta_webticker > li { font-size: 18px !important; }
  13. Hey there old friend, it's good to be back! I have a question and it's mostly because to be honest, I can't remember. In the past I modified the size and color of the font within the News Ticker and for the life of me I can't find where I made the changes. Can you point me in the right direction please? As I recall, we had to make an edit to the Custom CSS file but I'm not 100% sure about that. A lot has changed in the 2 years I've been away.
  14. I just downloaded and installed this earlier today and it was working fine, then I updated to 4.5.3 and it appears to have broke it. Any ideas?
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