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  1. I was just about to post saying that I had found this, but I guess you beat me to it! Thanks anyway.
  2. Hi Kevin, I would like to say that like Group Collaboration, I love this app. I have one request so far though, I would love it if when a new topic comment is created (say if that topic is pinned) through a rule, that we can associate that post with a third party. Currently the options are only for the topic author and for the person who locked the topic. This would be a massive help as we currently use a single account as a 'bot' so to speak akin to AutoModerator on reddit.
  3. Awesome - look forward to it then.
  4. I understand if this would be out of the scope of the project, but one thing that would be exceptionally useful to my community is when they joined a specific collab, their user group was then assigned to another group, of course ignoring certain groups that have higher perm sets. Or is this something that your rules app is capable of doing on a per-collab basis?
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