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Posts posted by kyriazhs1975

  1. 22 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    How is the title of a topic going to describe a picture within that topic?

    Well, for example, from the caption of the images, you can understand what the title is. This is useful when the user is reading the topic and doesn't know the title And can understand the title by looking at the caption of the image. This method is very useful for me and maybe it's very useful for many!!!!!

    22 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

     What happens if there are multiple pictures in that topic?

    There are ways to do it :ph34r:


    In WordPress I do the same with the plugin I wrote

  2. 15 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    When a user adds an image, there is already a spot for them to describe the image...  that's what the image title is for.  

    you're right, But most users don't pay attention to this at all!

    15 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Now...  if they just added "User uploaded image" as the description, it puts something in the field, but it defeats the intended purpose of the field, which is to actually DESCRIBE the image.  Just saying it's an uploaded image does not help an accessible user understand what is inside of the image.  

    But what I want is that Display the title of the topic as a caption for all images that uploaded within the topoic (automatically).

    14 hours ago, SeNioR- said:

    you mean figcaption?

    something like this but automatically

  3. hi

    please add this simple feature as default in the next release:

    automatically create a caption from Image ALT-Tag below the images

    I think this is very important, Because when users see an image inside the content, they easily can understand what the image means.



  4. 7 hours ago, Grafidea said:

    What do you think about adding a lazy load for forum sections?  so how is it in several templates on the marketplace?  This would speed up forum loading and improve the result on google pagespeed.

    something like here



    this template use Javascript and data-aos attribute for  this feature which I do not recommend because it delays the loading of the page.


  5. Hi there

    We know that users can edit their topics and posts. Now my question is that if a large number of topics are edited daily by users, administrators will not be able to track them. If possible, include this feature in future versions so that administrators can understand how many topics or posts have been edited.


    Thanks in advance 💝

  6. hi Invision team @Matt

    As a feature that I am sure everyone will welcome!

    For example, two users follow me and I wanna remove one of them (or both). when I did this I want that user(s) not to be able to follow me again.


    I hope this feature will be included in the next version that will be released this month...!


  7. Hi my lords

    We use Target="_blank" to open linked pages in a new tab or window. But there is a security risk we should aware of. The new tab gain limited access to the linking page via window.opener. which it can then use to alter the linking page's url via window.opener.location. this might be a problem if the external redource is not trustworthy. Might have been hacked, the domain has chamged owner over the years etc.

    We should always add rel="noopener noreferrer" Attribute to all of our target="_blank" links. 

    in order to prevent a link that is opened in a new tab from cousing any trouble.



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