Past leaderboard pagination not working
Forgot to mention that I'm using IPS v4.7.18 Please merge post w/previous.
BUG: Leaderboard: Pagination on Past Leaders broken
It's the query string. Sorting with the page # isn't defined, so it's probably a super simple fix.
Past leaderboard pagination not working
I can confirm this issue on my self-managed boards as well. If you right-click on any page > 1 and select "open in new tab", it works. The reason is the URL query string (so probably PHP needs a tweak). This is what's not working: /pastleaders/?sortdirection=desc&page=7 This does work: /pastleaders/?page=7
Multiple tags browse?
Thanks. I too have observed that when using multiple words, 'tag' serches, specifically (NOT term/string searches) by default use OR and not AND (EITHER and not BOTH, respectively in terms of the ACP config)... and there's no apparent way to alter this behavior in the UI or in the ACP. I advocate ability to let the user decide if using ad-hoc term, tag, or author searches. Thanks
IPS Online Users Inflated vs GA
... BUT, is it really expected that we have 3-5 times more bots visiting our pages than users? I'd expect something like 20-30 bots or non-human processes at a given time, but 290/370 seems really high. I suppose it's possible though, given all the 'forbidden' GET lines in my web server log. I'd LOVE to have the ability to filter them out of the IPS data.
IPS Online Users Inflated vs GA
Thanks Randy. I speculated likewise, but wanted other opinions like yours to prevent my speculation from becoming more of a personal 'fact' 🙂.
IPS Online Users Inflated vs GA
I've been meaning to ask about this, and now I'm finally getting around to it. At the moment I type this, my IPS forums (I always am updated to latest version) show "Who's Online 2 Members, 0 Anonymous, 368 Guests", but GA says 83. Both supposedly record the number of 'users' within the last 30 minutes, but the IPS data is always 3-5 times the GA value at any given time. If GA is aggregating the data somehow, it's not by IP address, obviously, but I suspect IPS is counting unique IP addresses. I'm hoping someone can explain the discrepancy and provide some options to better align these numbers via IPS. I do have the GA integration service enabled with my tracking code snippet from GA, but I'm not clear whether or not this is informing the IPS count (or if not, what this is actually doing for me if it's not providing GA with the data for its drastically lower count). I forgot to mention, that my GA includes users of BOTH my forum and my mediawiki instance on the same domain, so the GA numbers should be larger in theory than what IPS shows me. Thanks in advance
Moderator merged an old post into a newer Topic, replacing OP
Simplest solution was to manually edit the relevant two records in forum_posts and forum_topics, keeping the original record IDs intact but changing all other variables. Then I simply deleted the second post. I previously copied the defunct OP into the new OP of the source.
Moderator merged an old post into a newer Topic, replacing OP
So I assume I must split the entire Topic starting at the second post then? (first creating a placeholder topic). To restore the source topic, I would then maybe merge the now defunct topic?
Moderator merged an old post into a newer Topic, replacing OP
It's only a single post replacing the OP I want to get back. The problem is that it's the OP I want to get rid of. Can I somehow just delete it so the OP (now the second post) is restored?
Moderator merged an old post into a newer Topic, replacing OP
What's the 'proper' way to undo this? Here's the topic, and the second post should be the OP. https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/17510-dyndolod-300-alpha-142/ Source Topic: https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/19046-dyndolod-hangs Ideally, I'd like to undo this merge action, but I don't see a way to do that. I can manually do things at the DB level via phpMyAdmin or MySQL, but this might cause PK/FK issues or other unintended consequences. I searched the forums, but found nothing useful ... this MUST be a recurring problem, so hoping for a fast solution.
Queued Posts? / Rebuild Content?
Would you mind pointing me to the solution or provide a bit of direction? I have total access to software and server and am comfortable with editing raw PHP or templates via ACP. If I can't figure it out, I'll set you up with access.
Queued Posts? / Rebuild Content?
Can anyone tell me what this is? On hover, it says "queued posts", and when I click it, it takes me into the relevant forum with URL query string "/?filter=queued_posts" forum I get that its supposedly where I can see the post queue, but I've no idea how to set up this queue or how I have a '-1' value. Searching the ACP reveals nothing, and it doesn't seem to apply to the moderation "Approval Queue" Note that I'm just testing some things in my TEST forum, and this is where I found this, so it's not often used in practice. __________________________________ Unrelated Question: How can I rebuild my community content? (post/topic counts, etc.)
IPS Archive Version?
Thank you ... I had almost found it but didn't drill to the /data folder. Looks like I have 4.7.6, and the RT author claims that 4.7.9 is compatible with latest RT version. So I will move forward as is.
Radical Tags
I'm running IPS Forums v4.7.3 and attempting to upgrade to 4.7.9 where I'm getting the message. My RT version is 1.10.8