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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. OMG that's funny. Glad I could help get the ball rolling on you being nagged and picked on for getting praise. :thumbsup:
  2. You should package up the website as it is (view wise) and put it into an archive of some sort, with a disclaimer that appears at the top of each page saying that what the person is seeing is no longer current (yadda yadda, for those who can't understand the idea of "archive), then that way people can see what the site looked like before, from a history viewpoint.
  3. Oh dear... Just as I feared! *runs to safety*
  4. I remember several years back, one of the main things I looked for in forum software was the ability to have forum/subforum nesting, with no limit on how deep it could go. Very few packages offered that, with IPB being one of the few that did. Notice how it's rare to find a package that doesn't support that concept now? Took them awhile to realize just how useful it is. There will always be a bit of 'theft' of ideas, but it's how we progress. I'm sure there was a point when it wasn't possible to lock a thread, you had to delete it. If each forum idea that was created was to remain only with that original software, then forums today would be a total mess. It's sort of a necessary evil, to take an idea and implement it. vB does it, IPB does it, SMF, etc. But to almost CLONE the entire thing is just pitiful. Ideas and trends do tend to get recycled though. In another 10 years, the layout (concept) of IPB1.3.x might be considered cool and "in style". Not the old style exactly, only the layout of it. Look at the Mustang, it's taken on a look that has resemblance to the 1960's, while still being noticeably different. Just how things are.
  5. I was asking VioAdmin :P
  6. Businesses always steal ideas from each other, it's no biggie, but when it's almost an exact copy with little or no effort to give it some distinction, then that's sad. Also, who's that a pic of in your avatar?
  7. I feel the same way. Here's something I said over a week ago... Pay special attention to the last line. ;)
  8. But WHERE did you hear/read it? Just saying that doesn't say WHERE.
  9. I hope you have plenty of security in place at the front doors to control the crowds that'll come bombarding this joint, otherwise you'll have something like this on your hands... Wal-Mart Stampede or Moronathon at Laptop sale Ever see the movie "10 Things I Hate About You"? Reminds me of the mob at the front door of that prep's house, when he opened the door, they bumrushed him to get in and throw a party.
  10. I just got an email with the exact same announcement as is shown in the "Company News and Updates" forum and I'm thinking, "OMG those liars! They've already released IPB 3.0.0 final!" Sneaky creatures these IPS people are. Funny though, because those who haven't bothered to look are still twiddling their thumbs like, "When is it going to be released? I've been waiting forever!" :lol:
  11. Not trying to be a suck up, but back when bfarber was initially hired, I think I commented back then on what a great decision that was. I still remember when I would look for mods to install, I'd always have good experiences with his and any bugs were usually minor and fixed after an update. I can think of another modder that would spit out mods left and right, but then would have tons of bug reports for those mods and usually took several updates to get the mod into a proper stable release. bfarber has patience and knows how to put quality into the work he does without being arrogant about it. Thus why I made that comment. :)
  12. Well of course, every bit helps. What I meant was that from what I've seen in the recent past, it's been primarily positive feedback. I wasn't meaning that it's supposed to be only positive. Like this topic for example. Had a thought, offered it out as feedback. Just that with this, it's not anything positive or negative, it's just an idea. From the sounds of it, it's not an idea that you (as IPS) thinks is a feasible idea, but at least you read up on it because the forum is here for that. As for what you're doing right.. You're keeping Brandon (bfarber) employed. That's something right indeed. (Don't let him kid you with the "Working As Intended" bit on your bug reports...) ;)
  13. Feedback isn't necessarily a negative thing. People may want to leave positive feedback. Also, I know that the hosting includes IP.Board, but someone may have some feedback about the hosting that isn't IPB related. I'm just thinking it would make it easier for someone to find, that's all. I like to think that the feedback area tends to get more positive comments than negative anyway, because people are pleased with their products and for the most part, when there is an issue (support issue), those who complain are a usually bit worried that their issue isn't being worked on fast enough. Also, allows people to offer up their requests. :)
  14. Just was thinking about how the root feedback forum doesn't get a whole lot of activity and then I thought, maybe some people don't know to check it because it's not as "obvious" as the "IP.product" subforums. So thought I'd offer the idea to make the root feedback forum into a subforum, to help it get more attention and possibly improve feedback from members who get confused on where to post.
  15. Tried clearing your temporary files and refreshing? If so, I say to report it as a bug. :D
  16. ACP, Applications, some way to be able to specify the order of all the applications (at least the Add-ons and 3rd party applications). I know you can do it within the Add-ons and within the 3rd party, but you can't control it beyond that. If I want all the 3rd party (or IPS) add-ons to be first or last or in the middle, it can't be done. It sorts based on position number and so they tend to mesh together. Oh and I dare people to click the green + at the bottom right of this post.. Go ahead, make my day!
  17. This isn't McDonald's buddy... Ooooh, nice. How about, option to sort (automatically), with respect to number values (as Windows XP can do) and also month/day name recognition (Sun would come before Mon, for example, as Jan before Apr). :D
  18. Already been answered, before IPB3 final was silently released... No, Matt used "2 weeks" as an example... Quoted below: He wasn't saying it will be two weeks, only that if it takes two weeks for SM to be finished, then they could either release IPB3 first and then SM, or make everyone wait for SM to be finished before releasing IPB3. It was to explain a reason why it wouldn't be included.
  19. If you're on the main board index, then barring being signed in as invisible (unless you are an admin) then you can scroll to the bottom where the online users are shown. :) Same with many other pages. My request was just to make it easier to click a single link to do something that is related to the page being displayed.
  20. They could.. But then I'm sure those wanting the SM to be released sooner would rather get it ported first and then have things added to it, instead of waiting even longer for it to be released for them to use.
  21. Whenever a final release is made (2.x.0, 3.0.0), there is always the x.x.1 soon after because of the number of people who are then using it and discovering bugs either not yet discovered/reported or new bugs created from the fixes for other bugs. In some cases, the x.x.1 leads to a quick x.x.2 as well, but generally after that, it's a crawl on updates because most of the bugs are fixed and any new ones are so minor that it's not worth it to make a full dot release for it. Generally though, the .0 release tends to catch any major bugs (talking 4/5 or 5/5 on the severity scale) so by .1 it's fixed. Basically, either install and use .0 or wait for .1, depending on how much you're willing to deal with in terms of upgrading. :)
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