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  1. I recently setup a new Database to use on a Page. For the Homepage template, I'm using Category 2 Column Image Feature The images on of the listings are extremely grainy / low quality. How do I adjust this? I see the option to increase Thumbnail dimension in the Database Options tab - but I don't want them larger, just less grainy.
  2. Well, to circle back on this incase anyone else makes the same blunder I did... I totally forgot I'd upgraded my shared hosting account several months ago. I switched to a VPS and split my domains each to their own cPanel. This resulted in each domain now having its own FTP login. What I forgot to do after the domain split was to go back & remove the backup directories of the once consolidated sites. So I forgot I split the domains, logged into my original FTP, found my Invision directories & thought I was in the right place. As was already identified... I was not in the right place 🙂
  3. Sorry, Marc, I am missing something that is likely very obvious. I can only find one location on my server with Invision files on it via FTP However, I do see, for example, ACP > Files > Storage Settings looks like a different path. Somehow my knowledge must have regressed, and I'm lost here. The path showing in ACP > Files > Storage does not exist in my FTP program. How is my site even functioning? Clearly I'm missing some basic stuff here... Apologies.
  4. I think I understand... At least a little more. To confirm - were you able to access what you need for now?
  5. Sorry Marc.... Hopefully now? I just copied & pasted everything from my own FTP client...
  6. How about now? I changed the PW and copied the info straight from cPanel, but admit I somehow always screw this up...
  7. Thanks, Marc. There's nothing below it - that's as far as I can scroll. I think my access details in the Client Area are correct.
  8. I upgraded my license to Classic. Downloaded a new package from my client area. Uploaded via FTP, overwriting duplicates. Here is my /applications/ directory, with some of the new (for me) apps highlighted: Here is my ACP > Applications page, with no option to install new apps: According to this guide, I should have new apps showing here. I have: "Checked for Updates" on the Applications page Refreshed license key (it shows all apps with a check mark) System Support > Clear System Cache
  9. Thank you, @Marc Stridgen.
  10. Issue persists. Upgraded to 4.7.9 Screenshot below using base, unmodified theme. Ordering wrong, "happening today" also wrong.
  11. Not to mention, I took this screenshot today, and April 6th isn't today...
  12. Is there something I am doing causing this seemingly random ordering of events?
  13. Retract... functionality already exists.