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Posts posted by da1Bear

  1. Thank you Marc!

    In gallery, when i wish to upload a video file, mp4 is not listed as a valid file format and yes, it is set to 'all file types'


    Allowed File Types

    gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp
    You may upload a maximum of 490 files
    And, I am unable to locate the examples as i must have deleted them since the did not play out.
    I simply would like to be able to present the video in the high definition and stereo format that most where recorded and presented on [cable] television.
    Using Adobe Premier, I can render the output in a multitude of various settings.
    If you can provide the best possible settings for full functionality on our platform, that would be most help full !
     I have complete control over a multiple of variables.
    To help [ perhaps ] in explaining the kind of details I am seeking, here is a correspondence from long time ago when preparing the encoding output for Vimeo.
    In the photo, in the gold square, it shows the Summary  "Output". 
    These are the variable settings I am seeking.
    gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp
    You may upload a maximum of 490 files
  2. https://invisioncommunity.com/deprecation-tracker/invision-community-4-r9/

    " With the release of Invision Community 5, we will begin the process of stopping support for Invision Community 4 "


    That is the direction of this company!




    Leave it  AS IS !!!!




    You are gona stop support for version 4 !   So leave 4 as it is for self-hosted with-out depreciating the announced deprciations.

    That certainly is not asking that much!!!


  3. HellO:

    I have GALLERY purchased, so I wish to (validly) up load videos to post.

    And, I wish to also post videos in a forum message as well ( which seems to accept a different encoding format! )


    I have tried various file formats outside of our software to see which format will play the best on both hand-held & desktop.  That experiment yielded mp4.

    These other encoded videos did not play or otherwise failed: mpg & wmv.

    Using Adobe Premier,  I used encoding variables set for HD cable / television broadcasting.

    However: That does not achieve the results I am looking for or simply fails!


    Would you know the working or ‘best’ output encoding settings in Adobe Premier to produce the best possible video replay on our software platform?


    Appreciate any guidance and help!

  4. Yes, and thank you all!

    &, looks like the PERMS were 'not all set' for the dBase.


    Obviously I just conformed them before responding this a.m. as both Miss_B & Mark suggested.

    Honestly, I musta just missed that one box on the lower right bottom and found it not checked!

    [ Geez: I only checked it a bunch of times: deleted and recreated the datum to be positive I had it all certainly correct! ],  I suppose I am going to have to buy a larger monitor with a slightly bigger view area! ]   😀

    Again, thank you all and Marc -->  No Need to transport this to a different area (Hardware Support)

    I am passed this setup failure and moving along.


    And again, I appreciate your responses that got me back on track.  This was simply a failure often found between the monitor & the keyboard.

    THANKX !!



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