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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by z3n

  1. z3n


    Getting this error, not sure how to fix. @-RAW- SELECT count(*) FROM `awards_awards` WHERE award_cat_id = IS NULL IPS\Db\Exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'IS NULL' at line 1 (1064) #0 /patch/to/forums/public_html/forum/system/Db/Select.php(356): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\Helpers\\T...', Array, true) #1 /patch/to/forums/public_html/forum/system/Db/Select.php(418): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 /patch/to/forums/public_html/forum/system/Db/Select.php(339): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 /patch/to/forums/public_html/forum/system/Helpers/Table/Db.php(312): IPS\Db\_Select->first() #4 /patch/to/forums/public_html/forum/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(466): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Db->getRows(Array) #5 /patch/to/forums/public_html/forum/applications/awards/modules/front/awards/awards.php(75): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString() #6 /patch/to/forums/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(97): IPS\awards\modules\front\awards\_awards->manage() #7 /patch/to/forums/public_html/forum/applications/awards/modules/front/awards/awards.php(25): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #8 /patch/to/forums/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\awards\modules\front\awards\_awards->execute() #9 /patch/to/forums/public_html/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #10 {main} NVM, I fixed the issue.
  2. What about the new features, such as filters etc?
  3. @fosters How is it going? Any news?
  4. Did you fix the issue that messing up the Page's databases?
  5. Any update on 1.1?
  6. I am not sure if this has been mentioned before as I don't really have time to look back through this thread as I am at work. I was doing some debugging on my forums as I have been having issues with the "Pages" application. My issue was certain database settings were not saving when I saved them and after disabling and trying one application at a time I found that "Advanced Tags & Prefixes" is the application that is causing the problem. More indepth with the issue I was having: I would create a database, select a custom key, and change how the database is displayed "categories or not etc" When I would save the database, it would use the old database key, and the display settings would not save, every time I tried to change the settings the outcome was the same. After disabling the prefix app, it works fine now. I hope you are able to resolve this issue as I have plans to use this application but my databases working correctly is more important atm.
  7. So let me get this right, I am making a user group for donors on my site, but here is how I want it to work. User A Donates -> If they donated within the amount range selected for the promotion to donor it checks to see if their primary group is NOT one of the excluded groups here: If their primary rank is one of the excluded groups, it changes their secondary to donor? Is that how it works>?
  8. Would it be possible to change it from "Approve or Ban" to "Approve or Delete". I would prefer to just delete the account if my admins can't contact member to begin the joining process, and sometimes people just go afk. I want them to be able to register again in the case that we delete their registration.
  9. Do you have any plans to support the rules application? I would love to automate a donation medal with some conditions via the rules app.
  10. Any ETA on version 1.1?
  11. z3n


    That seems to have fixed it. Thanks!
  12. z3n


    Hey, where can i adjust where the post cabinet is displayed. Right now it is kind of hiding lol.
  13. I sent you the login details, will appreciate the help.
  14. After I heard my admin was unable to add/edit forms, I made a user group to test, I gave it full admin permissions, access to everything and my test account can not edit/add forms either, I have no clue what is preventing it. The only person that can do it is me, and I assume it is because I have the super admin account...
  15. So since I have upgrade my forums to 4.1.7, I uninstalled the Forms app, and then redownloaded and installed the new one for 4.1 and now only I (the main admin) am able to make/edit forms in the acp. I have double and triple checked the administrator permissions and the settings are enabled so other admins can edit/make forms but for some reason they are not able to, all they see is the view form button beside the forms. When they click on "Add Form" nothing happens. Am I missing something?
  16. Thank you very much, hoping to see this in the future. Amazing plugin so far!
  17. Would it be possible to add a function to the goals so we can export the list of donators for said goal in spreadsheet format. For example, if I wanted to make some graphics etc in excel with our donation stats for the month of January, I want to be able to export the January goal in excel format. And to make it even better be able to select the data that we wanted exported, such as forum name, paypal email, real name, amount donated, amount in fees taken, etc. Kind of like how you can export member lists now. All in all I love this application and it is a huge part of my community, thank you very much for providing it
  18. It is not like I am blind, I read the "Only Admins with no restriction on ACP will be able to view/use the widget." and I understood that before I purchased the plugin. I assumed you are open to suggestions as most developers are. This was a feature in the previous version so I assumed that it would be something in this one as well as features usually carry over unless there was a issue with it in the past. I have 2 administrators that would be able to change it to guests, which they wouldn't because they are competent and I trust them. I think having a feature that would allow administrators to give user groups the ability to approve validating members would be useful and I am sure people would agree, as it wasn't a issue in the past why would it be now. Is there something specific that would make this feature a bad idea? I mean it was one of the first features suggestion when you released the previous version........ So I do agree with you, this plugin is in no way made for me, but yes I would say people would agree with me that having the ability to assign user groups to be able to use this feature would benefit some communities, and the communities that don't want that can make it so only administrators have the ability to use it. Thank you for your quick responses, and I am enjoying the plugin so far.
  19. So only administrators are able to use this, but what I am asking is if it would be possible to allow moderators to use this feature. The previous version I was able to either make it so anyone with ACP access or certain user groups could use the plugin, is this possible to do with this version? Referring to this -
  20. So I can't assign usergroups to use this? The previous version for 3.4, I was able to assign some user groups to be able to validate members, this is pretty important for my community as I have moderators that run gaming divisions and they validate members that are joining them. Will this be a feature in the future?
  21. Awesome! Went ahead and purchased this plugin. Only question is: When I add the widget, I go to edit it as I assume there are some settings such as which groups can use it etc, but it doesn't display any settings. It starts to the the settings and then just minimizes it.
  22. I have the previous version of this, and I am looking to upgrade my community soon and this is one of the most important plugins we have. Question: How can I go about including a profile field or two on the approve page? For example, lets say I want my members to choose a game when they register, how can I show what game they chose in that profile field on the approval queue page.
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