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Posts posted by NordWulf

  1. I checked the settings for the sitemap and it is using the recommended settings and I haven't made any changes to the settings in the past. I know I should upgrade to the latest version but not sure if I should put more time and money in a site that appears to be going nowhere. 

  2. Thanks for the info Sonya. The site is on v4.4.3 and last updated about a year ago. It sounds like that may be the issue then. The site doesn't have much traffic, especially after a  recent domain name change so not sure if I will renew the subscription.

  3. I created 2 new regular forums and moved content there to see if it was a Clubs issue. The sitemapgenerator is running every 15 minutes but the new forums aren't included in the sitemap. Logs don't show any errors and just shows it completed the task.

    I don't have a current subscription so probably can't submit a ticket.

  4. I am not seeing my Clubs forums in the sitemap for my site.


    I checked some other sitemaps from my main sitemap file but can't find them there either.


    Some of the forums in the Forums sitemap also don't exist anymore. Any thoughts on how sitemaps can be generated for the Clubs forums? Or doesn't it really matter for Google searches?

  5. A few questions.

    1. When an image is uploaded and resized according to the settings in this application, does it remove the original and only save the resized image? I used a similar Garage plugin on a vB4 forum and all originals were saved, resulting in demand for large storage space (several GB). I don't want to have to deal with this again.

    2. In a forum post, you can click 'Insert other media - Insert existing attachment' and you can select from previous Post Attachments or Gallery Images. Can you also easily insert a Collections image like this?

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