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PK E 12

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  1. How is it possible that we can upgrade to the last version before 4.5.0 came? We are currently on 4.4.1
  2. And what would those links look like for example? So if someone attachs an image to their topic or post or signature then would it be saved onto the local host so it doesnt break the image over time?
  3. What about new images that gets posted? Will those get stored locally as well?
  4. I am about to upgrade my forums to the latest version but I have a very important question to ask you about image proxys. My forum still uses imageproxy and we love that because it saved the images onto our forums itself with a long link to it which prevents hackers to ipgrab our members. Is that still an option for the latest version? we need to know that.
  5. I'm looking for someone to make an ipb app that can track users who uses the "Prtscn" keyboard function on my forum and it will alert me if a member has used it. Or make a private plug in that will have the person who is taking the screenshot show their id on every post and topic in small print so where the human eye can't see it at all but if you contrast it or zoom in, it will show who took the screenshot if it got leaked with the members id. let me know.
  6. @Adriano Faria when will you update this hook so it can work with the top post action? I don't want the topics. I want the posts. like you have here
  7. wow that was fast! thank you mate!
  8. if we can make it so where it will pop up even when someone hasn't refreshed the forums would be DOPE and also have it set to what groups that you want to see it. Thank you @BomAle for the nice plug in though!
  9. any idea why it is not showing?
  10. for some weird reason I don't see Leave Feedback option for a user?
  11. There is a hook missing for the version 1.4.2.. So i cat see 'Leave Feedback" on profile feeds.. help please
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