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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, Yes. Next release will include more features Some screenshots 1. Settings 2. Topic view 3. UCP settings
  2. Moderators have permissions. I added
  3. Hello, What's manage? User can upload cover photo User can remove cover photo User can change position
  4. Hello, I made quick test and plugin works.
  5. Hello, I think no. Many things you can make with
  6. Hello, The key name doesn't matter. Just create the advert with any location key and add it on plugin settings No
  7. Hello, You should to create adverts and add keys Then add keys in plugin settings The key name doesn't matter.
  8. This doesn't work in posts. Where (after name/after date) do you want to show icons in the post?
  9. This doesn't work in posts. Where (place) do you want to show icons?
  10. Hello, Add in custom.css .nbSecGroupIcons.ipsResponsive_hidePhone { display: block !important; }
  11. You should to use additional attributes img[data-src] [data-background-src] iframe[data-embed-src] video[data-video-embed] + controllers which support lazy load or attribute data-ipsLazyLoad Examples <div data-controller='core.front.core.lightboxedImages'> {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}} <img src='{expression="\IPS\Text\Parser::blankImage()"}' data-src='link_to_img' alt="alt_text"> {{else}} <img src='link_to_img' alt="alt_text"> {{endif}} </div> <div data-ipsLazyLoad> {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}} <img src='{expression="\IPS\Text\Parser::blankImage()"}' data-src='link_to_img' alt="alt_text"> {{else}} <img src='link_to_img' alt="alt_text"> {{endif}} </div>
  12. Hello, Works without new feature https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/44-6-new-micro-features-r1118/ I added it but I will wait 4.4 final to update the plugin on MP If you need new setting open xml-file or \plugins\nb40recenttopicsposts\widgets\nbRecentTopicsPosts.php find if ($form === null) { $form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form; } change to $form = parent::configuration($form);
  13. Hello, Show ad {{if (\mb_strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'test') !== false)}} 1 {{endif}} Hide ad {{if !(\mb_strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'test') !== false)}} 1 {{endif}}
  14. Hello, New field like topic title.
  15. Something like .nbFootballWidgetTableLeague_49 .ipsWidget_inner { background: url(https://dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/monthly_2018_07/in-off-the-post.thumb.jpg.a713a18104cc32f08fad434a504d5bf6.jpg) no-repeat top center; padding-top: 178px; }
  16. I'll add cover photos for next release. Currently you can add the image via css
  17. On that page (league view) you have a widget called Tables for which you setup Yes for Current league (When you on league page will be displayed teams from viewing league)
  18. 20 minutes ago I thought to add cover photos to leagues Tables widget or league fixtures? Please clarify
  19. Hello, I can't reproduce on dev board. If you give me acp/ftp access I'll look into that.
  20. Update Strange. I excluded Tables widget from that page. Try resave widget settings.
  21. Add in custom.css .cFootballLeagueButtons { display: none; }
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