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Heavy Harmonies

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Posts posted by Heavy Harmonies

  1. 11 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Could you clarify, are they still getting it now?


    This is something we implemented, in answer to your question. But it should be very very rare anyone sees it. Most people wouldnt ever see it

    I asked my users and was awaiting more replies before responding here, as my userbase is more international than many boards so we're in the middle of the night in some places. I've received replies from 2 of the users originally impacted and they say they are no longer encountering the issue. That's a small sample size though.


  2. I'm confused, based upon the above posts. Is this something AWS has implemented or Invision?

    I'm getting complaints from my board users. Australian posters in particular are being hammered with this on every posting attempt even after they successfully pass verification.

  3. I'm running 4.5.1 at the moment. Everything is fine using the light theme, but in the default dark theme, text typed into text inputs is invisible. The keystrokes are there and register, but you cannot see the characters on screen. This is the case in the board login and password fields, the search bar, as well as subject titles (editing bodies of posts is fine).

    I've not done any customizations to the dark theme. It's out of the box.

    I've tested in both Chrome and Firefox.

    In the board search bar, I can just barely make out the text; the search bar background color is darker than the login background color, so I'm guessing the input's foreground color is set incorrectly by default on the dark theme.

    Can this be fixed globally?

  4. 17 hours ago, newbie LAC said:

    Have you enabled designer mode?

    I can take a look if you give me acp access

    Well, I'm still running 1.0.8, not the new 1.0.9 you uploaded here.  I just upgraded the board from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 a few minutes ago and now the plugin is working. Go figure... thanks anyway for your help.

  5. On 8/20/2020 at 11:57 PM, newbie LAC said:


    I tested the current version and the plugin works well.

    What doesn't work?

    Only seeing primary group icons now since upgrading the board to 4.5. I've disabled and re-enabled the plugin to no avail. All the plugin settings have been retained. It's just not showing secondary icons for any user group at all.

    EDIT: I notice I'm still running 1.0.6. I went to download the newest version, 1.0.8, but the marketplace says that 1.0.8 is NOT compatible with 4.5.

    EDIT 2: I upgraded 1.0.6 to 1.0.8. Still not working. I then completely uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled and reconfigured. Still nothing.

  6. Good morning,

    Would you mind updating the marketplace entry? It looks like this module was last updated in November 2015 and is not compatible with the current version of IPB. I had to read through this thread to determine whether this module was still actively supported/maintained.

    Thank you.

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