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Posts posted by modman

  1. Hi, I noticed these repeated errors in the log:

    Error: Call to undefined method IPS\core\extensions\core\EditorLocations\Contact::attachmentPermissionCheck() (0)
    #0 {main}
    #0 /init.php(1036): IPS\_Log::log('Error: Call to ...', 'uncaught_except...')
    #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler(Object(Error))
    #2 {main}

    Could you provide me with more information?

    Thank you


    A long time ago, when requesting support from ACP, a private ticket was created on this site, so while things have changed, they haven't always been like this.

    Anyway, thanks.

    PS: I advise you to notify the user with a pre-set message when the ticket is opened in public mode, because not everyone is aware of this and many, including me, may not be happy about not being notified.



    I didn't want to do something wrong, I just responded to the 3 topics that contained sensitive information, asking them to hide them or make them private.

    From my point of view, when a user arrives on this site via the "request support" function from their ACP, the discussion that is created should, at least, be available only to registered users, therefore without allowing Google or others to index the content.

    It wouldn't take a malicious person to google "site:invisioncommunity.com "victim's_domain.com" to obtain information... this shouldn't happen regardless, it's wrong.

    Thank you



    I didn't know the support threads were public, can I kindly ask you to hide or delete this one?
    I don't like sensitive data from my site being public...

    In this discussion for example there are internal links to my ACP and internal images that should not be public.

    Thank you


  5. Hi, I noticed that IP.Board sends support ticket URLs to bing via the Indexnow service when there is a new response.

    Since support tickets are private, not public, shouldn't they be exempt from this feature?

    Also because a false request will always be sent, as Bing (or others) will never be able to access and recognize the new content.


    Could contain: Page, Text, File

  6. A Chinese user can be connected and pay online from different places, even here from Switzerland, I don't think there is any geographical restriction, also the error should specify it.

    Instead, the same error also appears on other payment systems (Bancontact, Giropay, iDEAL, Sofort), which have nothing to do with China, so I think this is not the problem.

    The problem seems to be with the API keys....


    Hi, from the Stripe documentation it says that payment is available in Switzerland (where I am) and that EUR currency is accepted.

    It's only about customers in China, not about sellers.

    I can't find the point that prohibits me from using this method, which I repeat, in my Stripe is active and configured correctly, otherwise they themselves would not have shown the green check next to that payment method, as you can see in the screenshot in attached.

    I went ahead with the tests and I've changed plubic key (one for all) and all private keys (created one for each payment), i've also changed Webhook key (one for all) but the problem remains.


    Apple pay / Google Pay also works!

    Don't work:

    • Alipay
    • Bancontact
    • Giropay
    • iDEAL
    • Sofort
  8. I added these alternative payment methods via Stripe where they are active and configured but when I try to pay, I receive the error:

    An error occurred while processing the payment. Try a different payment method or contact us for assistance.

    Payments by credit card and Paypal work without problems, the errors are only present with the alternative systems that I added yesterday, marked in the red box:


    When I created these payment methods I inserted these values by copying them from the existing one I already had (working):

    • Stripe secret key
    • Stripe public key
    • Webhook Signing Secret


    1.  Could this be the problem? I can't find any errors in the logs in ACP.
    2. I noticed that in my stripe The WebHook is set to use a fairly old API version: 02-28-2018. Is this correct or should we choose the new 10-04-2024?

    Thank you




    From my point of view it is a bug because it does not allow the price of the product to be shown in the search.

    I also checked on Schema.org and here too there is no trace of the codes entered as "variants" and the "price", making it practically impossible to include this data in the search and show it to the customer:


    Could contain: Page, Text

    I understand that you may consider this a request but the structural data has existed for 10 years and it is not possible to add a variation to a product to completely lose the basic functionality developed 10 years ago.

    You could solve the problem in a short time, making our life easier and allowing us to compete with 99% of the CMS in circulation that all have these features, or tell me how to insert additional code and I'll try.

    I would just like my products to be shown as such in their basic form developed and introduced 10 years ago, maybe more.

    I'm not asking to include all the other things that are missing in the ecommerce otherwise I would have to make an endless list...



  10. Hi, most of my products are made up of an additional field that alternates the final price, for example:


    Could contain: File, Webpage, Electronics, Phone, Mobile Phone

    I noticed that the structural data relating to the product is almost non-existent, in particular there is no trace of the price of the product and its variants, making it completely non-functional in its purpose.

    Could contain: Page, Text, Document, Invoice

    From my point of view, if you introduced the Product Variant parameter it would solve all my problems:


    Could contain: Page, Text, White Board



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