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Midnight Modding

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Posts posted by Midnight Modding

  1. On 10/3/2023 at 1:10 AM, Nathan Explosion said:

    Just in case you mean that you did that in here - purchases were disabled on 15th September.

    wow, really? I wish I had known that. All i saw was the closing date and the payout deadline.

  2. I knocked $15 off the price for a while, since we're on the final month of marketplace being here and also it being in the middle of most of the American sports seasons. Although, nba season starts this month also and nhl I think.

  3. On 8/3/2023 at 11:56 AM, KT Walrus said:

    Support for MySQL transactions in v5?

    I am always paranoid that someone is going to press a button and the app do part of the updating and then something go wrong and screw everything up. In apps I have made it's pretty typical to need to insert rows into several tables and use those ids in other tables etc... Also, sometimes I have to have an update that affects hundreds of rows, in a way where if it were to stop in the middle it would be a real problem.

  4. 2 hours ago, LiveG said:

    I am using it now for the FIBA World Cup.
    Relly is a great app - very recommended!


    I did a bet on the FIBA world cup, but just a small one from a promo because I dumbly lost a ton of money betting a few months ago. 😞 

  5. On 8/7/2023 at 4:32 AM, GazzaGarratt said:

    In fairness, its more of anywhere else other than America thing. Even though the teams were structured as 'Man City vs Burnley' which means the Away Team is first and the Away Team box is first, pretty much any football person would look at the fixture and think Burnley is away so put that score in the first box.

    I think as an interim i've found a way around it, although it then doesn't exactly suit American sports:

    In Translation I have basically swapped both mentions of Away Team to 'Home Team' and vice versa. This means that it will show correctly for most readers now. This also doesn't really impact American sports if you have it on result predictor only. If you select correct score, thats when it could get confusing to an American now.

    Like you said, home and away could easily be a red herring as its not the main issue. Its all about visually matching up Team 1 in the fixture to Column 1 boxes in my opinion.

    someone else basically did it that way too, changing the translations. Only problem is then you'd need to keep it that way from now on, even if I do a setting, or your past results will be all reversed. I do but anyone would care who the home team was in past results already finished, though. lol. But yeah with you reversing it, it would have them the order you want everywhere else in the app too.

  6. 14 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    @Midnight Modding started my first one...and they've already tripped over the Away box first 😭🤣 If you can find a way to get an update out ASAP to switch them somehow that would be awesome. Cheers!

    ok. is it mainly on the form for picking them? Would take longer to be changing the order everywhere, although in the long run it would be better if it honors it everywhere.

    I just thought that if the columns titled who was home or away then users would read it and know, but I guess some just assume it's the correct way for those particular matches and overlook it.

    I probably should even have it where there could be a setting for neutral.... since some will have no home team. But if the same pool/pickem could have some games/matches with a home team and some neutral ones then the form couldn't really work right saying home team and then really there is no home team.

    I think technically even in neutral ones they will just declare one the home team for listings, but would be misleading calling them one, so no clue how to really do anything regarding neutral ones.

  7. 9 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    I think you could either have the switch for Pool or even higher level in the ACP on 'Categories'. That way my category for NFL will be the way it is now and Football will be switched as we would expect it. Depends on how Americans see it I suppose.

    Either way, I think you could get around it by making it clear which one you are voting for on the 'Correct Score' pick screen. Maybe by using their name rather then just scores alone? This way badges can also be used on this screen when they currently aren't used at all.

    Could contain: Chart, Plot, Text, Page

    Example - Above you could put badges next to scores to help who they are selecting as for sports fans it isn't 100% clear for anyone living outside of America 🙂

    Could contain: Outdoors

    You can see how on just giving the result, it probably doesn't matter for a switch as you use the name of the team and badge really well here. (i think on mobile the 'No Pick' on this screen is slightly overlapping border lines but I'm not too bothered about that for now).

    If you go against the 'switch' for home and away just note that even reviewing the scores on people's picks, they will show Away vs Home, which in reality for us Brits and the rest of the world should Home vs Away. Hope this helps explain things! 🙂

    yeah, I am almost positive that I ran into issues is why it simply has those columns titled home team and away team. Maybe because of it being a number type of input. So I'll just have to see what I can figure out. I always wished I could have gotten that picking form to be much better, but I was working within some premade ip.suite elements. Same thing with brackets. I spent a ton of time getting picking teams in the bracket to work, then realized the issue where the ip.suite wizard I was using would not give an error if they left a pick blank. Honestly, for brackets, it may come down to me HAVVING to have a default pick on each game where they can't even possibly leave it unpicked. But just would suck because it's not good having either team as defaults where a member could complain that they didn't mean to pick that one, but didn't notice it.

    One thing I need to add to this app at some point is member stats pages or top lifetime members as far as best at picking winners, etc... I have tons of stats being stored, just haven't made pages showing them.

  8. On 7/18/2023 at 5:25 AM, GazzaGarratt said:

    @Midnight Modding, just a thought on some pickems over here in England - we commonly see the Home Team first, not the away team. Its only really American sports that has way of looking at it. I'm just foreseeing people trying to pick the correct scores and thinking that the Home Team is the first column and then getting confused when you look at the Teams saying vs rather than 'at' which is the American way.

    If there was a flip button per pool so Home team shows first on the left and then if correct score columns followed the same process that would be great!

    EDIT - Also, just found that you don't see the badges at all if you select 'Correct Score' as well so if there is a way to show them visually this then this would add to the engagement.

    btw I think the other guy didn't like it even on the submit results form how theyw ere ordered. Not sure if many would care on that one. You sure it would be good to do it per pool, though? I guess that would be good in case some American sports are used, although it may still confuse people if they are used to it being flipped.

  9. On 7/18/2023 at 5:25 AM, GazzaGarratt said:

    @Midnight Modding, just a thought on some pickems over here in England - we commonly see the Home Team first, not the away team. Its only really American sports that has way of looking at it. I'm just foreseeing people trying to pick the correct scores and thinking that the Home Team is the first column and then getting confused when you look at the Teams saying vs rather than 'at' which is the American way.

    If there was a flip button per pool so Home team shows first on the left and then if correct score columns followed the same process that would be great!

    EDIT - Also, just found that you don't see the badges at all if you select 'Correct Score' as well so if there is a way to show them visually this then this would add to the engagement.

    yeah, someone else had me change the order of them and I thought then I wish I had just added a feature to reverse them. I will add that in when I have time and look into the other.

  10. Glad that worked because I think I changed that code up to account for brackets and couldn't remember if I had remembered to be sure it still worked for standard ones. Off the top of my mind I can't remember when it even sends those out. Seems like in a weekly one it may do it for each week, but I don't 100% remember.

    Maybe at some point I should add commenting in, but I think the guy who originally had me make this just didn't care about it and they commented in a forum topic, I think.

    I would like to improve the look of some areas, but I am limited in being able to design.

  11. 20 hours ago, BradTBP said:

    Just to follow up I installed the update and have run sitemap and everything is fine.  I haven't yet added a new contest, but will soon.  Thanks for the fix!

    No problem. I try my best to fix bugs quickly. Sometimes I even like it, but this one was frustrating to figure out and then it was putting acp links in the sitemap because I had some code in that originated from a different app. lol.

    I am still trying to think if there's some nice big feature to add in, but it may become too bloated like if I added betting in. Hopefully I can get brackets all worked out, but I spent a TON of time on it already, so hate to then totally redo it because of the bug in the ip.suite form.

  12. ok they approved 1.1.4 now, for those who didn't notice. When I was testing I kept manually running the sitemapgenerator task and the  sitemap kept still not having the correct links, but it eventually did, so I guess it did it with a queue. Like I said, you have to have your guest group with permission to view the category and pool for it to get into the sitemap.

  13. 17 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    Hi @Midnight Modding, is there any way of getting the team image on the Week summary and/or View picks pages at all? I'm just starting to play around with it and found the team image only shows up on the 'Make Picks' page.

    Also, when do we use the Rule Sets section? This is just to help my basic understanding more than anything else. Cheers!

    It doesn't look like I added that in. Originally, someone had me make this app and I guess he only mentioned having them on the pick form. I could maybe try to add it in. Sometimes I've had issues getting logos to line up properly (especially if it shows both the name and logo_, but can try it.

    The rule set was for a custom feature someone had me do and I just left that all in, just in case someone else would care about it. It's basically if you want to allow members to predict an exact score then on the form for addihg a game/match you enter the rule set and the rule set tells how many popints they get for an exact score prediction being correct vs if they get the winner right, but not the score.

    So if they predicted team B would win 2-1, but really team B wins 1-0 they'd still get the correct points from the sued rule set for picking the proper winner, but not the points for the exact score being correct. So it's basically a way to give bonus points in the contest for exact score prediction.

  14. Weird. When I uploaded 1.1.3, it was approved within a few hours and it was an upgrade from 4.4 to 4.7, so a big leap. but now this time just one bug fix and it's been a couple business days. I guess it varies how quickly they can get to it.

  15. On 7/7/2023 at 5:36 AM, GazzaGarratt said:

    Does this stop your whole site working @BradTBP? I was planning to buy today and start using July to get ready ahead of the game for our future pools use.

    Hey, I noticed you purchased. 1.1.4 is the version with the fix, but I think if you start using it before they approve 1.1.4 it would just maybe have that sitemap issue and then when using 1.1.4 it will eventually get the sitemaps all corrected. This is the first time anyone has noticed a sitemap issue, though, so I assume it hasn't been noticeable on most sites over the years.

  16. Had to pull the new version because I realized it then started creating acp links in the sitemap. lol. I fixed that and I think everything is finally working now, so uploaded the new version, which is up for approval. Such a seemingly small thing took me so much time to fix...

    Remember you must have your category set to let your guest group view categories AND view pools for them to show up in the sitemap. I accidentally had one category with no permissions for guests and so the sitemap had nothing from that category. When I changed it, eventually the sitemap updated after I ran the task multiple times.

  17. what a day... so at some point it did update the sitemaps. But, in the past something being run in the acp was generating links to acp pages and I had to change my function url() in my content item to sometimes return a public link instead. So now it did the opposite and did acp links in the sitemap!

    I then commented out the lines in the function where it doesn't do that and eventually it updated them to the correct links now.

    edit: lol.... apparently that function url() had to be changed in a private app I made before this public app and I just accidentally had it in my file for this app also. So i just took my function url() out totally on this one now.

    So I think finally I got it all working... So I guess it doesn't have to have the latest comment time and it does overwrite every link each time because originally all of my links were acp ones and now they all changed to the proper front ones.

  18. Just thought of something. On the test site I originally had read/view OFF for category 1 and ON for category 2. The only item in category 2 was id #10. So now in the db it has 10 as last id for that sitemap. So now that i fixed permissions in category 1, is it never going to add ids 1-9 because permissions weren't right at the time id 10 was added?

  19. I "think" I at least got the issue itself solved, but for some reason it's not adding all categories or pickems to the sitemap. I spent a long time trying to figure out why it's only showing some, but I am reaching a dead end. hopefully the issue itself isn't happening and I can figure this out at some point.

  20. I don't know what to think at this point. I am going through the suite files and I see in one place apparently it uses the databaseColumnMap field 'last_comment' to use as the latest update time. I did not set that field because I don't have commenting even set up. But also why would it still retrieve one row if not having that defined is the problem?

    The forums app does not have its own sitemap extension and my contentRouter extension class is like the forums one, but for some reason mine is not adding all nodes or items to the sitemap like the forums one does. Also, my acp has no error logs at all, even before working on this.

    edit: this is so frustrating. now for some reason my main site added the other content item into the sitemap. I also noticed my test site for some reason had view/read permissions for guests disabled in the second node. But now after I updated the permissions and rebuilt the sitemap in tasks over and over it's not adding to it still.

  21. 3 hours ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    The issue was rebuilding the sitemap from the sitemap page and then running the background queue.

    It was affecting acp task manager behavior too, though.

    Something must still be going on... When I look at the sitemaps on the front end on my live site and my test site, now they have some links for my app, but my test site is only showing the latest 1 category when I have 2 categories there. Then for the content item link, on my main site there IS no sitemap link for content items from my app and on my test site there is, but then it only shows 1 content item within that file, whereas there are probably 20 on the site.

    I thought maybe it's only intentionally showing new ones, but I see for forums and topics it shows all, whether recently posted in or not.

    My understanding was we only have to create an actual sitemap extension if we need to add things beyond what core will already pull from our apps, so I did not create one. So if the suite automatically pulls our nodes and content items, what could make it not be retrieving them all in my case? Do I need to create a sitemap extension even if I don't need any content added outside the automatic content?

  22. I went ahead and updated a new version where it has pools listed by category to have the sitemap issue hopefully fixed. In the app itself there is no link to those pages, but I guess for search engines it will have them and at some point I will add in some link to them in the app and add the link to the navigation bar.

    edit: nice. actually the ip.suite system itself automatically put in the links in the navbar if you go to a pool's landing page.

  23. 1 hour ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    You could implement your own url() method that doesn't reference those class properties but if you don't want it in a sitemap you can set the $includeInSitemap property to false. You may still have issues if something requires url() and those other properties though

    Thanks. I just went ahead and made a category page listing the content items, rather than try to work around it.

    Btw this is odd. Before adding it in, it simply gave an inline message in the acp saying task run successfully and returned a blank message below it. When I put the url properties back in, it did the same thing, except instead of the blank message, it said it was submitted to google. But after I got everything finished, it now gives a redirect message saying task run successfully instead of an inline message above the task manager. I wonder what happened? When it gave the inline one maybe there was still some sort of error?

  24. On 7/6/2023 at 2:06 PM, BradTBP said:

    Hi @Midnight Modding

    I installed and was running a test pool when I began having problems with my sitemap.  I reported the sitemap issue to Invision and they suggested it was related to Pickems.  I disabled Pickems and my sitemap generation completed per usual.  Here is the email I received:


    The issue is being caused by the 3rd party Pickems' application. It doesn't seem to fully support sitemaps being generated. I have removed the sitemap rebuild tasks for this but you'll need to contact the author and ask them to implement a fix.

    You can send them this error log:

    #0 /var/www/html/107695/applications/core/extensions/core/Sitemap/Content.php(241): IPS\Node\_Model->url()
    #1 /var/www/html/107695/system/Sitemap/Sitemap.php(121): IPS\core\extensions\core\Sitemap\_Content->generateSitemap('sitemap_content...', Object(IPS\Sitemap))
    #2 /var/www/html/107695/applications/core/tasks/sitemapgenerator.php(39): IPS\_Sitemap->buildNextSitemap()
    #3 /var/www/html/107695/system/Task/Task.php(375): IPS\core\tasks\_sitemapgenerator->IPS\core\tasks\{closure}()
    #4 /var/www/html/107695/applications/core/tasks/sitemapgenerator.php(47): IPS\_Task->runUntilTimeout(Object(Closure))
    #5 /var/www/html/107695/system/Task/Task.php(274): IPS\core\tasks\_sitemapgenerator->execute()
    #6 /var/www/html/107695/system/Task/Task.php(237): IPS\_Task->run()
    #7 /var/www/html/107695/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(334): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
    #8 [internal function]: IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard->__destruct()
    #9 {main}



    Does this make sense to you and is this a fix we can count on in the near future?  Pickems is a nice app, but is currently disabled.  Thank you.



    What were you doing when seeing an issue? I keep running the sitemapgenerator in tasks on 2 sites and it keeps saying run successfully. Although, when it tells the result it is a blank line. If I disable guests from accessing the app it says sitemap submitted to google. So maybe it's having an issue on mine and just not telling it. Wondering how you knew there was an issue on yours.

    edit: ok when I updated the url properties, now when running the task it says successfully submitted to google, whereas before it had a blank line. So i can either upload the fix now, but in the sitemap the category links will go to some not found page, but otherwise the sitemap should be fixed, or you can wait and maybe I could make a page listing the pickems for a given category. I could maybe go ahead and do that.

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