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Posts posted by Ramiru

  1. 10 hours ago, Matt said:

    You could create an activity stream that shows this data, but of course it won’t be added to the forum list.

    I have already explored the Stream in the demo and these are the issues which I think will not make it as a suitable replacement for a dedicated Search Forum type:

    • No numbered pagination, it has only "Load More Activity". In relation to this, can't also defined how many topics to be displayed.
    • It shows latest post instead of the first post. I think it makes sense to show the first post since it's a topics list.
    • Loss of Filter By (Questions With/Without Answers) and Sort By (Start Date, Most Viewed, Most Replies, etc.) functionality.
    • Missing some stats (number of votes, views).

    I have also tried the Pages Blocks and Topic Feed but the main problem is still the number of items and pagination.

  2. On 2/20/2021 at 6:46 PM, Jimi Wikman said:

    In theory, because I have not tested it, you can do this manually using Pages by setting up components on a page where you fetch data from multiple categories.

    It will lack pagination since you'll be limited to a certain number of items.

  3. Would like to suggest to have something like XF's Search Forums type.

    For example, I have A, B and C categories which are Q&A type forums.  I have also D, E, F categories for general discussion type. With Search Forum, I can create a Questions page which will have a paginated lists of all topics from A, B, C. Similarly, I can also have a Discussions page with all topics from D,E,F.

  4. I've tried the demo to test some Mathematics. I used MathJAX and CKEditor Mathematical Formulas. Here are the problems I encountered so far:

    • When replying to a topic, LaTex is not formatted correctly until the page is refresh.
    • When using the Fluid view, switching to different forums will disable the MathJAX formatting. It needs refresh so that it will format correctly.
    • When viewing a user's content/activity, switching between Topics/Post will also disable MathJAX.

    I think the reason why it lost MathJAX formatting is because of AJAX. I have already disabled the AJAX Pagination but the problem is still there.

    So, I would like to suggest to have an option to disable AJAX functionality in all or specific areas.

  5. This is one of the reason why I held back buying IPS.

    This behavior is evident in the Marketplace. When you click on the Applications and Plugins category, you're expecting 460 items, only to find out that it has only 3 pages with 25 items each. You'll get confused where the remaining items are.


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