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  1. GrooveOnBeat replied to MrFisc's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Nice! I'll check back for it. 🙂
  2. GrooveOnBeat replied to -RAW-'s post in a topic in Marketplace
    Excuse me if it was already addressed but can members rearrange the awards how they want? My 2nd quote basically explains what I'm asking for.
  3. I will! I believe you added the features I requested like unlimited custom items and quantity display AND Trophies and Medals the members can buy with points. I am also planning to purchase Member Shop Goals. Great stuff. This was the one app I felt was needed in IPS and tried to work with other developers to make it but it never came to light. So I am happy that you took it on and have expanded it. Thank you! 😄 Edited: Purchased Member Shop Goals 🙂
  4. All is good now. I went back to the Order, found the date, and although it was expired, I clicked on Details and luckily it had a pending to pay link. I clicked on it and it worked! Renewal success! 😄
  5. GrooveOnBeat replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Oh? I didn't realize that. I guess because I customize the templates so much I must have removed that part of the code. Oops! I am still using IPS 4.1x and haven't tested IPS 4.4 yet. I will check it the default templates once I start testing. Thanks!
  6. Interesting! Sometimes (more often than I prefer) the node.js stops because of a certificate update. Each time I have to manually add it into the babble script so having it managed outside would be a blessing. I imagine these updates will be faster too. Nice! 🙂 I don't upgrade my IPS every time it upgrades. Often I stay at a version until a big upgrade, like IPS 4.4. If I go on the Chat Service, will the chat still work despite not upgrading the IPS version? Since the Chat Service is identical to the self-hosted version, the users will still access the chat on my site as they normally do?
  7. GrooveOnBeat replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    @Mike John Is it possible to have a separate page for each Donation Goal? Sometimes I have multiple goals running simultaneously and each goal has its own images and information along with donation feeds. Running multiple Donation Goals can be cluttered. Instead of the Donation page stacking goals from top to bottom, I wonder if we can have each goal posted on a separate page, with a separate ID. The Donation Index page can be like a hub which lists all of the Donation Goals and when a goal is clicked it takes the users to that specific Donation Goal. I understand this request requires more time and work so I am more than willing to pay extra for this feature. I also believe other members may have use for this request as well. Please consider? Thank you!
  8. GrooveOnBeat replied to MrFisc's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Excuse me if this question has already been answered but are there notifications in TeamSpeak when new content is posted on the site?
  9. I saw the EOL for Babble Self-Hosted sites. Does the Babble Chat Service integrate with the IPS site, as it did with self-hosted app, and conform to the themes? Will users be able to access the chat from the website or will they access it from a separate URL?
  10. @TheJackal84 Hi. I purchased Members Shop 1.0.0 and was just about to renew but I don't have that option. I only see buy. I noticed that the price bumped up too. I haven't been keeping up so I was wondering if I have to purchase the app full or is there a renewal option? I"ve only ran the app on a test board but never live. Since IPS 4.4 is gold I can think about upgrading now.
  11. +1 I'm up for renewal! Once Trophies & Medals is safe for 4.4, I'll renew! 😄
  12. What? 4.4 YES! Great news! I must have been under a rock. Not to derail the conversation but I'm glad that I came across your post! 😁
  13. Please update the results.
  14. Great! This is an option I wanted. Glad to see it happening.
  15. Oh. Then any idea what could cause the error when I create global notes? I'm on a locked test forum.