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Trevor Brandt

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Posts posted by Trevor Brandt

  1. @Mike John Do you know why a form would submit as not approved and that it needs moderated? I have been submitting test forms as an admin and I keep getting the notification that my submission needs approved by a moderator. I'm not sure why this would be happening-- and I've checked all permissions.

  2. On 2/3/2018 at 6:43 PM, Mike John said:

    What version of the Forms app are you currently using? There was an issue with the form widget but it should of been patched in the latest update.

    @Mike John I'm running version 1.2.0, and IPS v.4.2.7. I'm not seeing the Widget option in Block Manager.


  3. @Mike John I renewed this application. Thank you for your continued support and development. I am very excited to use the Widgets feature. That said, I am unable to see Forms appearing when using Block Manager. Are you able to please assist?

  4. On 12/7/2016 at 8:47 PM, Neej said:

    Yeah this is the big one for me.

    Having it be it's own separate page is kind of annoying. even having the forms list as a widget would be good too, so it's not another page that is hard to customise.

    Yeah, all I need is widget support. Then this app would be golden! It's odd linking users to a new page to fill out a form relating to a page I've already designed.

  5. Really happy with this application.

    Would like to request the custom page support as well. I see a few others have requested it. Would really be beneficial to my community.

    Thanks so much!

  6. I know it was already mentioned, but I would really like to see Rules integration. I will purchase this app if it is integrated. It is crucial for my community.

  7. On 8/25/2016 at 7:25 PM, Doped_Wizard said:


    I cannot import the rules that come with iawards it gives me the following error

    2RI00/B Something went wrong. Please try again.

    I use Ipb 4.14.2


    Having the same issue.

  8. Hi there,

    I just purchased your Pokes app, and I'm really liking it so far. Thank you so much for releasing it.

    I own Rules developed Kevin Carwile, and I was wondering if you had any plans to add a rules trigger to your app. I would be willing to pay custom for it to be added. What I would like to do is be able to trigger a rule I wrote when a user pokes another user.

    Let me know if you are interested/would be able to assist.

  9. Are you using v2.4.4? If you had a SSO/Facebook signup that enters their display name back is flagged as a spam account, IPB deletes that member straight away. But the very latest version of the app should exclude those accounts with no usernames for now.

    I'm not using Facebook, so I'm not sure. I think they were spam accounts though that were not getting fully deleted due to my settings. I've added a question and answer to the registration form, and it seems to have stopped. So I don't believe it was anything to do with the app. Thank you for responding so quickly though, I appreciate it!

  10. I've been experiencing this:


    They aren't spam accounts, because when I go into the members area, there's no accounts listed. So I'm not sure why it's happening. I just upgraded to the latest version though, so hopefully that helps to solve it.

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