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Posts posted by Enkidu

  1. Possibility to see what I am translating would be very appreciated. When I am translating I don't see which string will change words on public pages. Every string should have link to boards page where is translated word. It's hard to translate without this and it's very tiring. It's nightmare for me because every translating spends lot of time.

    tell me about it!

    We need to know the context of a string before being able to translate it. Strings like: in, all, on are just hard to translate because we don't know the context :(

  2. So i do know what am talking about but w/e

    is it really that difficult to add target="_blank" to your a tag instead of whining about it? and BTW, I couldn't find your board when I clicked that link, it wasn't even within the first 10 results.
  3. with the load speed becoming a SEO factor, I would loooove to see more speed-wise optimization, you know, things like reducing the number of JS + CSS files, GZIPing, etc etc.

    and while I'm at it, what about server resource optimization, improving the search coz currently the search is just pain :ermm:

  4. It's the vision of the end of days. :lol:

    I will try to think about some useful features.

    talking about that, I would love to see a true bilingual board where you would get English forums if you chose English, and if you chose other language, you would see yet other forums based on the language you chose. it's like two boards in 1 or maybe more.
  5. I found this code in the chatroom template bit:

    <!--Iframes used for cross-domain "AJAX"-->
    <div id='iframeContainer'>

    I couldn't find here in this board, not sure if it's there for monitoring or something else :unsure:

  6. There is definitely something funky going on--I just went to make sure I had "ipchat.css" in my "AtariAge" skin, and when I click on the template bit I get an "ACP Session Has Expired" message. Clicking OK just dismisses the dialog box and nothing happens. If I click on the template bit again I get the same error.


    Something definitely got screwed up during the upgrade. I wish Invision wouldn't be so quick to assume their users aren't properly following directions.


    clear your browser's cache :)

  7. Ah! Thanks. While it still looks the same, it does work. I really need to learn code ... :P ... I'm a real caveman ... :hairy:

    oh that's great...the thing is: your IP>Chat didn't install properly, you have a broken template bits all over. I think now is the time to update your CSS bit, so click on the CSS tab and click ipchat.css, replace the content with this:

    #ipschat {
    	overflow: hidden;
    	position: relative;
    	padding: 10px;
    	background: #f9f9f9;
    	border: 1px solid #9f9f9f;
    #chat-container {
    	margin-right: 200px;
    #chat-controls {
    	/*position: absolute;*/
    	height: 32px;
    	bottom: 0;
    	left: 0;
    	right: 0;
    	padding: 6px 10px;
    #scrollbar_container {
    	position: relative;
    	/*width: 960px;*/
    #messages-display {
    	overflow: auto;
    	/*width: 945px;*/
    	margin-left: 0px;
    	height: 350px;
    	border: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
    	margin-bottom: 4px;
    	background: #fff;
    #messages-list label {
    	width: 100px;
    	display: block;
    	min-width: 100px;
    	float: left;
    	font-weight: bold;
    	margin-right: 5px;
    	text-align: right;
    #messages-list li {
    	/*border-top: 1px solid #D3D3D3;*/
    	border-bottom: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
    	padding: 4px;
    	font-size: 12px;
    	overflow: auto;
    #messages-list div {
    	padding-left: 5px;
    	margin-left: 103px;
    	border-left: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
    /*#chat-container, #chat-online {
    	float: left;
    #chat-submit {
    	vertical-align: top;
    	position: absolute;
    	right: 15px;
    	top: 20px;
    #chat-form {
    	border: 1px solid #d5dde5;
    	border-bottom-width: 4px;
    	padding: 4px;
    	background: #eef3f8;
    	position: relative;
    #ipboard_body #editor_message {
    	margin: 0px;	
    	margin-right: 150px;
    	border: 0;	
    	#ipboard_body #editor_message textarea {
    		height: 40px;
    		width: 99.7%;
    		resize: none; /* disables the grip on safari */
    		outline: 0; /* disables the 'halo' */
    	#ipboard_body #editor_message .toolbar {
    		padding: 0;
    #chat-submit {
    	height: 45px;
    	padding: 0 15px;
    	float: right;
    .chat-me {
    	font-style: italic;
    	background-color: #e2f3e2;
    #messages-list li.chat-time {
    	font-size: 11px;
    	font-weight: bold;
    	color: #4f4f4f;
    #messages-list li.chat-system {
    	font-weight: bold;
    	color: #fff;
    	background: #913535;
    	padding: 6px 20px;
    .chat-message {
    .chat-myown {
    	background-color: #F0FFFF;
    .chat-notice {
    	background-color: #FAFAD2;
    .chat-moderator {
    	background-color: #f2e4e7;
    ul.kickmenu {
    	background: #d5dde5;
    	border: 1px solid #1d3652;
    	margin-top: 0px;
    	width: 170px;		
    	float: right;
    	z-index: 10000;
    	ul.kickmenu li {
    		padding: 1px;
    		float: none;
    	ul.kickmenu a {
    		color: #1d3652;
    		text-decoration: none;
    		padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
    		display: block;
    		font-size: 11px;
    		ul.kickmenu a:hover {
    			background: #528f6c;
    			color: #fff;
    #chatters-online-wrap {
    	overflow: auto;
    	height: 370px;
    	min-height: 370px;
    	bottom: 30px;
    #chatters-online {
    	list-style: none;
    	padding: 5px;
    	#chatters-online li {
    		padding-bottom: 3px;
    		padding-top: 3px;
    		border-bottom: 1px solid #f6f6f6;
    		height: 30px;
    		overflow: hidden;
    /*	#chatters-online .photo {
    		float: left;
    		#chatters-online .names {
    			margin-left: 34px;
    #chat-online {
    	position: absolute;
    	top: 10px;
    	right: 10px;
    	width: 185px;
    	background: #fff;
    	#chat-online h3 {
    		margin: 0;
    #initial_message {
    	display: block;
    	padding: 15px;
    	color: #5e5e5e;
    	font-style: italic;
    /* Kill the loading bar at the top */
    #ipboard_body #ajax_loading {
    	display: none;
    #emoticons_custom_menu_menucontent {
    	border: 1px solid #1d3652;
    	height: 400px;
    	width: 200px;
    	overflow: auto;
    .chat-photo {
    	width: 30px;
    	max-width: 30px;
    	min-width: 30px;
    	height: 30px;
    	min-height: 30px;
    	max-height: 30px;
    	display: inline-block;
    	text-align: center;
    #iframeContainer {
    	left: 5000px;
    	display: none;

  8. aha !

    OK start by:

    1. Look & Feel >
    2. Manage Skin Sets & Templates >
    3. Manage Skin Sets & Templates

    then click on IP.board, expand the skin_chat, and click on chatRoom template bit, copy and paste everything in it to a backup text file (you know just in case).

    then replace it with this code:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    	// Basic variables
    	var roomId		= {$options['roomId']};
    	var userId		= {$options['userId']};
    	var userName	= '{$this->memberData['members_display_name']}';
    	var accessKey	= '{$options['accessKey']}';
    	var serverHost	= '{$options['serverHost']}';
    	var serverPath	= '{$options['serverPath']}';
    	var ourUrl		= '{$options['ourUrl']}';
    	USE_RTE			= 0;
    	// Chat settings	
    	ipb.chat.condenseTime		= parseInt({$this->settings['ipchat_limit_time']});
    	ipb.chat.maxMessages		= parseInt({$this->settings['ipchat_max_messages']});
    	ipb.chat.moderator			= parseInt({$options['moderator']});
    	// Set up templates
    	ipb.chat.templates['msg-1']	= new Template( "<li class='post chat-message #{ownclass}'><label>#{username}</label> <div>#{message}</div></li>" );
    	ipb.chat.templates['msg-2']	= new Template( "<li class='post chat-notice'><label>#{username}</label> <div>#{action}</div></li>" );
    	ipb.chat.templates['msg-3']	= new Template( "<li class='post chat-me'><label>#{username}</label> <div>**#{message}**</div></li>" );
    	ipb.chat.templates['msg-4']	= new Template( "<li class='post chat-system'>{$this->lang->words['sys_message_pre']} #{message}</li>" );
    	ipb.chat.templates['msg-5']	= new Template( "<li class='post chat-moderator'><label>#{username}</label> <div>{$this->lang->words['_kicked']} #{extra}</div></li>" );
    	ipb.chat.templates['msg-K']	= new Template( "<li class='post chat-moderator'><div>{$this->lang->words['youve_been_kicked']}</div></li>" );
    	// Set some language vars
    	ipb.lang['time_am']				= "{$this->lang->words['time_am']}";
    	ipb.lang['time_pm']				= "{$this->lang->words['time_pm']}";
    	ipb.lang['entered_room']		= "{$this->lang->words['entered_room']}";
    	ipb.lang['left_room']			= "{$this->lang->words['left_room']}";
    	ipb.lang['chat_kick_user']		= "{$this->lang->words['chat_kick_user']}";
    	ipb.lang['chat_ban_user']		= "{$this->lang->words['chat_ban_user']}";
    	ipb.lang['cant_kick_self']		= "{$this->lang->words['cant_kick_self']}";
    	ipb.lang['youve_been_kicked']	= "{$this->lang->words['youve_been_kicked']}";
    	// Emoticons
    	ipb.chat.emoticons			= \$H({ {IPSLib::fetchEmoticonsAsJson( $this->registry->output->skin['set_emo_dir'], true )} });
    	ipb.vars['emoticon_url']	= "{$this->settings['emoticons_url']}";
    	ipb.vars['img_url']			= '{$this->settings['img_url']}';
    	// Sound
    	ipb.chat.soundEnabled		= <if test="cookiesound:|:IPSCookie::get('chat_sounds') == 'off'">0<else />1</if>;
    	ipb.chat.soundOnImg			= "{$this->settings['img_url']}/bell.png";
    	ipb.chat.soundOffImg		= "{$this->settings['img_url']}/bell_off.png";
    	// Chatters name formatting
    	<foreach loop="formatname:$chatters as $data">
    		ipb.chat.nameFormatting.set( {$data['user_id']}, [ "{$data['member']['prefix']}", "{$data['member']['suffix']}" ] );
    <script type='text/javascript' src='{$this->settings['public_dir']}js/ips.editor.js'></script>
    <h2 class='maintitle'>{$this->lang->words['chat_page_title']}</h2>
    <div class='generic_bar'></div>
    <div id='ipschat'>
    	<div id='chat-container'>
    		<div id='scrollbar_container'>
    			<div id='messages-display'><span id='initial_message'>{$this->lang->words['please_wait_chats']}</span></div>
    		<form id='chat-form' action='#' method='post'>
    			<input type='hidden' name='1_wysiwyg_used' id='1_wysiwyg_used' value='0' />
    			<input type='hidden' name='editor_ids[]' value='1' />
    			<div class='ips_editor' id='editor_message'>
    				<div id='message_controls' class='controls'>
    					<ul id='message_toolbar_2' class='toolbar' style='display: none'>
    							<span id='message_cmd_bold' class='rte_control rte_button' title='{$this->lang->words['js_tt_bold']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/rte_icons/bold.png' alt='{$this->lang->words['js_tt_bold']}' /></span>
    							<span id='message_cmd_italic' class='rte_control rte_button' title='{$this->lang->words['js_tt_italic']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/rte_icons/italic.png' alt='{$this->lang->words['js_tt_italic']}' /></span>
    							<span id='message_cmd_underline' class='rte_control rte_button' title='{$this->lang->words['js_tt_underline']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/rte_icons/underline.png' alt='{$this->lang->words['js_tt_underline']}' /></span>
    							<span id='emoticons_custom_menu' class='ipbmenu rte_control rte_button' title='{$this->lang->words['js_tt_emoticons']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/rte_icons/emoticons.png' alt='{$this->lang->words['js_tt_emoticons']}' /></span>
    							<span id='message_cmd_link' class='rte_control rte_palette' title='{$this->lang->words['js_tt_link']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/rte_icons/link.png' alt='{$this->lang->words['js_tt_link']}' /></span>
    				<div id='message_wrap' class='editor'>
    					<textarea name="message" class="input_rte" id="message_textarea" rows="3" cols="50" tabindex="0"></textarea>
    			<input type='submit' id='chat-submit' class='input_submit' value='{$this->lang->words['chat_post_button']}' />
    	<div id='chat-online' class='general_box alt'>
    		<h3><span id='online-chat-count'><if test="$_count = count($chatters)">{$_count}<else />0</if></span> {$this->lang->words['whos_chatting_ttl']}</h3>
    		<div id='chatters-online-wrap'>
    			<ul id='chatters-online'>
    				<foreach loop="$chatters as $data">
    					<li id='user_{$data['user_id']}'>
    						<div class='chat-photo'><a target='_blank' href="{parse url="showuser={$data['member']['member_id']}" seotitle="{$data['member']['members_seo_name']}" template="showuser" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}'><img src='{$data['member']['pp_mini_photo']}' alt="{$data['member']['members_display_name']}{$this->lang->words['users_photo']}" width='{$data['member']['pp_mini_width']}' height='{$data['member']['pp_mini_height']}' class='photo' /></a></div>
    						<span class='names'><if test="modlink:|:$options['moderator']"><a href='#' id='mod_link_{$data['user_id']}' class='ipbmenu'></if><if test="hasname:|:$data['member']['members_display_name']"><span title='{$data['member']['members_display_name']}'>{IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( IPSText::truncate( $data['member']['members_display_name'], 16 ), $data['member']['member_group_id'] )}</span><else />{$data['user_name']}</if><if test="modendlink:|:$options['moderator']"></a></if>
    						{parse template="user_popup" group="global" params="$data['member']['pp_member_id'], $data['member']['members_seo_name']"}</span>
    		<ul class='post_controls' id='chat-controls'>
    			<li><a href='{parse url="module=ipschat&amp;section=chat&amp;do=leave&amp;room={$options['roomId']}&amp;user={$options['userId']}&amp;access_key={$options['accessKey']}" base="publicWithApp"}' title='{$this->lang->words['leave_room']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/cross.png' alt='{$this->lang->words['leave_room']}' /> {$this->lang->words['leave_room']}</a></li>
    			<li><a href='#' title='{$this->lang->words['toggle_sound']}' id='sound_toggle'><img id='sound_toggle_img' src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/<if test="soundon:|:IPSCookie::get('chat_sounds') == 'off'">bell_off.png<else />bell.png</if>' alt='{$this->lang->words['toggle_sound']}' /></a></li>
    <if test="modmenus:|:$options['moderator']">
    	<div id='mod-menu-container'>
    		<foreach loop="$chatters as $data">
    			<ul id='mod_link_{$data['user_id']}_menucontent' class='kickmenu'>
    				<if test="nokickself:|:$data['user_id'] == $options['userId']">
    				<else />
    					<li><a href='#' title='{$this->lang->words['chat_kick_user']}' class='kick_user' id='kick_user_{$data['user_id']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/user_delete.png' alt='{$this->lang->words['icon']}' /> {$this->lang->words['chat_kick_user']}</a></li>
    					<li><a href='#' title='{$this->lang->words['chat_ban_user']}' class='ban_user' id='ban_user_{$data['user_id']}_{$data['member']['member_id']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/user_delete.png' alt='{$this->lang->words['icon']}' /> {$this->lang->words['chat_ban_user']}</a></li>
    <div id='emoticons_custom_menu_menucontent'>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    	if( $( 'message_toolbar_2' ) ){ $( 'message_toolbar_2' ).show(); }
    	ipb.editor_values.get('templates')['link'] = new Template("<label for='#{id}_url'>{$this->lang->words['js_template_url']}</label><input type='text' class='input_text' id='#{id}_url' value='http://' tabindex='10' /><label for='#{id}_urltext'>{$this->lang->words['js_template_link']}</label><input type='text' class='input_text _select' id='#{id}_urltext' value='{$this->lang->words['js_template_default']}' tabindex='11' /><input type='submit' class='input_submit' value='{$this->lang->words['js_template_insert_link']}' tabindex='12' />");
    	ipb.editor_values.get('templates')['emoticons_showall'] = new Template("<input class='input_submit emoticons' type='button' id='#{id}_all_emoticons' value='{$this->lang->words['show_all_emoticons']}' />");
    	ipb.editor_values.get('templates')['emoticon_wrapper'] = new Template("<h4><span>{$this->lang->words['emoticons_template_title']}</span></h4><div id='#{id}_emoticon_holder' class='emoticon_holder'></div>");
    	ipb.editor_values.set( 'show_emoticon_link', false );
    	ipb.editor_values.set( 'emoticons', ipb.chat.emoticons );
    	ipb.editor_values.set( 'bbcodes', \$H({IPSLib::fetchBbcodeAsJson()}) );
    	ipb.vars['emoticon_url'] = "{$this->settings['emoticons_url']}";
    	ipb.editors[ 'message' ] = new ipb.editor( 'message', 0 );
    <!--Iframes used for cross-domain "AJAX"-->
    <div id='iframeContainer' style="display:none">

    save, and test :)

  9. Well, I installed it exactly as it should have been, but. it still has the same old dreary monstrous text post box, like everyone else has reported. Even thorugh clearing the browser cache. While waiting on the next beta, I can assure you that the installation I did does not look anywhere like the one installed on here.

    can you post a link to your website?
  10. If you have customized any skin_chat bit, then you'll need to revert the changes as there is no way for IPB to update a customized skin bit :)

    happened to me but now I've reverted my changes and everything is back online (apart from very tiny "glitches")...my members seem happy :cool:

  11. this is weird when I keep refreshing, it sometimes passes that ugly message and sometimes doesn't, and when it does it stuck at the "Please wait while we load the chatroom..." :unsure:

  12. If you refresh do you have the same problem?

    Can you also PM me FTP access to your site please? I'll add some logging to help identify the cause of that error.

    yes! back online again :thumbsup: thank you

    the funny thing is that I always tell my member to refresh the page if they see preblems, I even have a notification message that reminds them to do so, but I don't do it myself and I always forget to do it (w00t) (w00t)

    what a hypocrite

    EDIT: no the room is not loading, I've cleared my cache and it's not loading

  13. Hello Invision Power Services staff.

    I want praise you.

    Your service (support, questions, etc...) is the best I've got ever.

    I just send you a ticket and I get an answer two-three minutes later. But it's not just an answer, it's an good answer.

    I just want to say you thanks for your services and I hope and I'm sure it will remain.

    Than, THANKS! :cool:



  14. Just as a quick note, your forumsitemap.xml.gz shows the old style urls, and the following code is used for generating the urls.

    ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->buildSEOUrl( $this->settings['board_url'] . '/index.php?showtopic=' . $r['tid'], 'none', $r['title_seo'], 'showtopic' )

    is there a hope? :unsure:
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