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Everything posted by onlyME

  1. Please give me ACP access so I can take a look.
  2. Is the topic you search in the forums that have been set? And try to test on default theme.
  3. Did you check option 'Show topic thumbnail in forums' and permission 'Who can see'?
  4. I know, but it shows 5 topics on a row for best view in horizontal (100% width) widget. Try to edit your theme > CSS > front > custom > tthumb.css Find @media only screen and (max-width: 1100px) { .tthumb_gal_item { width: 20%; } } Relace by @media only screen and (max-width: 1100px) { .tthumb_gal_item { width: 33.33%; } } Find .tthumb_gal_item { display: inline-block; background: #fff; margin-bottom: 5px; width: 20%; } Replace by .tthumb_gal_item { display: inline-block; background: #fff; margin-bottom: 5px; width: 33.33%; } Save
  5. The masonry layout in topicthumbnail shows 5 columns (items) on a row. It resizes or collapses based on the browser width, not container width. So currently it only supports the default widgets.
  6. Try to run 'Get Support' to clear the badly cache.
  7. A song will be repeated after it has ended. Currently the repeat button is not remembered ON or OFF after you refresh page, I also update it in the next version. Let me know if you found any problems.
  8. It can not, I have no way to get direct files from youtube, and the player can not play videos.
  9. Hi, There are widgets and breadcrumb in other applications (forums, blogs, downloads...), and a big problem is IPS does not allow loading widgets, breadcrumb... in ajax. So I only use ajax for my application. The next version will support m4a files.
  10. Try to upgrade topic thumbnail to the newest version.
  11. I can not reproduce this issue. Can you give me ACP access so I can take a look?
  12. Which version are you using?
  13. onlyME


    It works fine on ips 4.1.10
  14. Yes, I don't have a solution to auto crop image.
  15. onlyME


    Yes, I will update in the next version. I think title form is better for everybody. Example: https://www.twitch.tv/twitchplayspokemon has the title Twitch Plays Pokemon (Enter buttons via chat!!!). And I don't want to add (Enter buttons via chat!!!). It will be updated in the next version. You should enable Video must be approved for livestream category. Sure.
  16. onlyME


    Yes, I will update in the next version. I think title form is better for everybody. Example: https://www.twitch.tv/twitchplayspokemon has the title Twitch Plays Pokemon (Enter buttons via chat!!!). And I don't want to add (Enter buttons via chat!!!). It will be updated in the next version. You should enable Video must be approved for livestream category. Sure.
  17. I don't understand. What do you want to change?
  18. Go to ACP > Customization > Themes > click </> to edit your theme > core > global > plugins > bim_tthumb_widget Find {{if $k == 'comments'}} Replace by {{if mb_strpos($k, 'comments') !== false}} Find <div class="tthumb_Widget" style="margin: -5px -10px -5px !important;"> Replace by <div class="tthumb_Widget"> Save
  19. Go to ACP > Customization > Themes > click dropdown button on the right of your theme > Manage Resource > Type 'noThumb' in search box you will see that default image, click edit to change theme. If it still doesn't work, please wait for the next version.
  20. Try to upload other image If you can not make it works, give me ACP access so I can take a look.
  21. Delete this image, it will use the default 'no-image'.
  22. You should use a graphic sofware to edit your image. Yes, it shows thumbnail of latest topic.
  23. Can not change, there are no topics so it can not get thumbnails. Does the newest topic have thumbnail?
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