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  1. When any database table or column is missing, you'll get a warning in the ACP > Support page with a list of queries to automatically fix the issues. If you have nothing there, you're okay. 👍 You would need to proceed with a manual upgrade following these steps: Disable all applications/plugins in ACP (in case some are not compatible with PHP 8). Upload a fresh set of files downloaded from your client area (version 4.7.19 currently). Switch the PHP version to either 8.1 (recommended) or 8.0. Starting from version 4.7.4 PHP 7.x isn't supported anymore. Go to domain.com/admin/upgrade and follow the upgrade instructions. Once the upgrade is complete check in the ACP if any applications and plugins still work (enable them 1-by-1). You can also use the PHP8 Compatibility Scanner tool available in ACP > Support for further help. That "serviceworker" URL is actually not a task but a backend JS script that handles the push notifications for the browser, tablets, and phones. If any tasks are not running correctly, a big red warning will show up in your ACP to warn you about eventual issues (including the name of the task not working).
  2. Unfortunately, IPS never provides older versions for download, not even for a simple comparison. I have a folder with all versions myself, but I'm not allowed to share the package/files. 🤷‍♂️ A way to work around the sharing problem would be to hire someone with access to the 4.3.6 package and have them compare the files for you. Here are a few considerations: While the 2.x and 3.x versions used to require extensive file edits to install modifications, starting with version 4, there were no file edits at all. If you have third-party modifications installed (applications and/or plugins), they'll show up in your ACP. It is very rare for someone to edit the core/default files of the 4.x version. I recall that "serviceworker" file had some changes/fixes at some point, but I don't recall which version exactly. However, it might simply be a bug that's fixed in a later version. 🤔 Since you mentioned making a test copy, I would simply try upgrading that copy to the latest 4.7.19 version and see if the issue is fixed. The summary is: you most likely don't have any file edits.
  3. If a name changes the old URL won't work anymore and can't be redirected unless there's an unchanging value (the ID in this case). While it "can" be done, and I know some people have this setup in their custom apps, I doubt we'll ever see this supported in the default URLs.
  4. The function \IPS\Content\Widget::formElements() includes this check to skip the container field when no container class is set: /* Container */ if ( isset( $class::$containerNodeClass ) ) { $return['container'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Node( 'widget_feed_container_' . $class::$title, isset( $this->configuration['widget_feed_container'] ) ? $this->configuration['widget_feed_container'] : 0, FALSE, array( 'class' => $class::$containerNodeClass, 'zeroVal' => 'all', 'permissionCheck' => 'view', 'multiple' => true, 'forceOwner' => false, 'clubs' => TRUE ) ); } The problem pops up when trying to save the widget configuration in the preConfig() function: public function preConfig( $values ) { $class = static::$class; if ( \is_array( $values[ 'widget_feed_container_' . $class::$title ] ) ) { $values['widget_feed_container'] = array_keys( $values[ 'widget_feed_container_' . $class::$title ] ); unset( $values[ 'widget_feed_container_' . $class::$title ] ); } The code checks if the container value is an array, but never checks if the value is available in the first place. Adding a simple isset() check solves the issue. Here's the full error: Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Undefined array key "widget_feed_container_XXXXXX"" Stacktrace: #7 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in \system\Content\Widget.php:257 #6 Whoops\Run:handleError in \system\Content\Widget.php:257 #5 IPS\Content\_Widget:preConfig in \applications\CUSTOMAPP\widgets\itemFeed.php:101 #4 IPS\CUSTOMAPP\widgets\_itemFeed:preConfig in \applications\core\modules\front\system\widgets.php:224 #3 IPS\core\modules\front\system\_widgets:getConfiguration in \system\Dispatcher\Controller.php:107 #2 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in \applications\core\modules\front\system\widgets.php:38 #1 IPS\core\modules\front\system\_widgets:execute in \system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php:153 #0 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in \init.php:947
  5. There is a modification for v4 if you're using v4.7.x: https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/40-profile-field-per-user-group/ Nothing yet for v5 if you're using the beta version.
  6. Oh, okay. If you're on the Cloud the manual option is not applicable. You'll have to wait for a reply from IPS. 😅
  7. It looks like it can't properly extract the files for the upgrade. In this case, your best option is to perform a manual upgrade instead of using the automatic one from the ACP: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/server-management/install-and-upgrade-r259/#manualupgrade
  8. What is the error exactly? Without more details, it's hard to tell what the actual problem is.
  9. It's a theme setting now. Users can no longer choose. What you can do instead is create a new theme for each layout option. You'll need 3 separate themes: Table Grid Fluid
  10. Maybe you have the prune logs setting disabled? Or some recurring error quickly filled up your table. You can truncate the core_log table, or you can use this modification I made: https://invisionbyte.net/files/file/282-tb-delete-all-system-logs-button/ No need to mess with the database with it, you can easily delete all logs from ACP.
  11. I just checked and the text is still there even in Beta 8. It's now on line 521 of the file, though.
  12. Yeah, that layout is ugly. It should be changed to something like: X Followers Options --- FOLLOWER AVATARS BELOW ---
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