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Posts posted by Ditchmonkey

  1. They stated up front what the refund policy was. Not sure why someone would complain when they knew exactly what the terms and conditions were. Also, for an organization with "a staff" - the cost of a software license is almost irrelevant compared to the cost of staff pay and other business expenses.

  2. I think you need to not think of IPB "hosting" as a regular web host, and instead consider them a software services company. When you get a hosted IPB instance from Invision, what you are really getting is a subscription to a software service, in this case the IPB forum. I would really doubt that IPB would be interested in just being a regular web host that anything could be installed on, Vbulletin or whatever.

    Would you go to salesforce.com, or Basecamp, and ask them to host a Vbulletin forum? No, because they are not "hosts", they are software services companies. I don't think Invision is any different.

  3. While I don't claim to be an SEO expert - I wold imagine that Google knows and expects domain.com and domain.com/index.something to point to the same location...

    Usually I wouldn't assign any merit to random SEO requests. However, when Google highlights the issue in their own blog, and suggests a solution, I think its worth looking at.

  4. No, that's not what I'm looking for. That's to do with the view new content page, I'm looking for an option on the search form to be able to show my results as topics. It was available in IPB 2, but it's no longer available in IPB 3.

    If you mean that you want the default search to return threads rather than posts..... usually I wouldn't tell people to "do a search" but did you look just 2 or 3 threads below yours?
  5. I know we have discussed this search issue a lot, but I continue to get a lot of complains - like this one I got today:

    The search tool seems to include all hits for all words. When I searched for "fluorescent light current draw" I got hits for any article with any of the four words. Does the search tool have more capability?

    To summarize the main problems with the default search form are:

    1. No option to return threads, rather than posts, as results.

    2. Default search for multiple words is logical "or" rather than "and"

    The combination of these two issues makes the search pretty useless - especially for those of us coming from Vbulletin, that by comparison, has a much more usable default search.

    I have seen a few unofficial and vague comments about some changes coming - but the more specific replies to these issues from IPS staff have been along the lines of "we like it that way" or "thats just how mysql works and we can't do anything about it" (which is nonsense of course because vbulletin does it just fine with mysql).

    So - this is an ongoing pain in my ass. IPS - for the most part I love you guys and I love the product, but as far as search goes - here's my temp solution:

  6. Today I had to respond to a personal conversation with some sensitive information - and it was important that the information stayed private. So in compose reply window - all it says is "Compose reply" with no indication of who you are replying to or what message you are replying to. Now I was pretty sure I had clicked the correct conversation etc - but still it would be nice to have a little context in the reply window like:

    Reply to "Where did you go for your hemorrhoid surgery" by JohnG

    or something so I'm sure I'm not going to make an embarrassing mistake.

  7. Even on dedicated servers... it would be too resource intensive to be practical.

    Have you considered having a script to update the search index that can run on a cron scheduled for non-peak hours?

    Edit: I take it back, I'd just be happy having tags. I don't need ajax search.

  8. Unfortunately it's not that simple... a lot of people don't understand why it would be bad on shared hosting, so would enable it anyway, and ultimately end up getting shut down (and possibly getting IPB banned at that host). We have to walk a fine line between features and not overloading servers.

    Then sell a different version for business users. I wouldn't mind paying a little more to get out of a set of restrictions created to accommodate shared hosting situations.

  9. Regarding the maximum size that the thumbnails will expand to... I'm often puzzled why people want this as an admin option. Every user has different specifications of monitor - some have big screens, others have smaller screens. To me it seems to make most sense to resize it to the largest that users monitor can hold, rather than let the admin choose. It's something we can look into for a future update.

    I can give you several reasons:

    1. Many site users have fixed width sites and they would like ALL content to fit within the dimensions of the site.
    2. Regardless of how big a users monitor is, users will always come up with images SO LARGE that they won't fit in any monitor
    3. Regardless on your opinion on the issue, vbulletin provides this functionality so unless you want to hear about it regularly from here until the end of time, you'll need to address the issue.

    And as I stated before, my #1 biggest complaint from my users after migrating from Vbulletin is the lack of options in photo attachment handling. And this is just one site in hundreds or thousands of sites that could end up moving to IPB. Why would you not add the settings many of your customers need? Seems pretty simple to me.

  10. Offsetting that 'problem' I also am not in a position to spend 3 lots of $250 to change to IPB and set my mind at rest.

    The IPB board is only 150. The suite is 250. However since vbulletin has an albums feature that would require IPB gallery to migrate that data, I think it would be a good idea for IPB to have a discounted package that includes forum and gallery to facilitate a proper migration of the VB forum to IPB.
  11. Vbulletin will resize image attachments to maximum dimensions specified in the admin. Whether attachments are displayed as thumbnails or full sized is also configurable. Of all the issues I had related to user dissatisfaction with the switch from VB to IPB, the biggest was related to these lack of options for image attachments in IPB. I am currently looking at moving a clients site to IPB but I don't think he's going to go for it without these options.

    I think you will hear a lot of this from all our new Vbulletin refugees.

  12. We are at the mercy of MySQL, there's very little we can do.

    MySQL set up the boolean syntax so really you're better off asking them for improvements. Unless we were to create a 'really advanced' form that had a list of text input boxes with a drop down next to each one that said "As well as" "not including this", etc.

    This answer really doesn't cut it. The original post was about returning threads as results rather than posts as the default search method. It was agreed that this was easy to do as an option, and that many people wanted it, but we just can't get r done for some reason.

    Now regarding the boolean syntax - that can certainly be done without much difficulty but rather than get into the details that I sure you know, I will instead state that Vbulletin manages to do it just fine using the same MySQL database you are referring to.
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