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Posts posted by Washerhelp

  1. 4 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    If you are saving the change, but not seeing a "publish this menu" button then your change isn't really being put in effect.

    I'm going to include a bigger screenshot to show where the "Publish this menu" button is, just in case you couldn't see it because it was off-screen when you were working on things.



    Thank you, but I know where the button is. I just published this photo to show that the published this menu button is ridiculously easy to miss because it is not anywhere near the save this menu item.

  2. Thank you all for your replies. They've been very helpful, and thanks for the tip about the publish this menu option. The publish this menu option is displayed out of sight, above the fold, and on the opposite side to where you make the changes. So I didn't see it.

    When you have made changes, there is a Save Menu Item button. But for reasons I can't fathom, the Publish this menu button is completely out of sight, at the top left of the page. See screenshot below

    Could contain: Text, Page

    So my solution to this last issue was to untick the option to let guests see unread content. I'd tried that before and saved the changes, but as described above, I did not see the published this menu option.

    I'm surprised that we are allowed to let people see content that they are not allowed to, and therefore generating errors. But I do have to admit that I've only just seen the text underneath the option to "let me choose..", Which warns of this very thing. So that's my bad.

    I appreciate that there might be certain things a forum owner might want to show to guests - maybe to tempt them to sign up, though if this is the case, I think it would be a good idea to send people who are not authorised to view certain aspects to a signup page saying join our forum to see this content instead of generating an error page.

  3. Hello Marc. Unread content is visible to guests on my forum, and clicking on it when not logged in produces the permission error page. In my main menu I have "Activity". This link, when hovered over, shows the following links -

    All Activity - Online Users - Unread Content - Search

    This menu is shown to all users, and any not logged in clicking the unread content get the Sorry, you do not have permission for that! page. Obviously, I can fix this by removing that section from the main menu. But I don't understand why it does this when, in the menu manager, "Unread Content", is definitely set to allow guests to view it.

  4. Many thanks Marc. I've just been through the settings in applications. I found that guests were not allowed to access profiles. After adding permission for guests, I can now view the following when not logged in

    •  /forums/leaderboard/ "Find content" link
    • /forums/topmembers/  "Find content" link

    But the link for /forums/discover/unread/ still brings up the same error. I looked at where the settings are for this under the menu manager. The unread content section was set to "I want to choose which groups can see this item" but guests was already ticked. So I instead ticked the, "Show this item to users who can access its content" option which made no difference. I even tried going back to setting individual permissions, selecting "non" and saving, and then re-selecting "All" including guests. But nothing works.

    Clicking, Activity/Unread content still brings up "You do not have permission to view this stream" (Error code: 2C280/3) for guests.



  5. Hi. I couldn't get the YouTube advice to work because his setup is different to mine and I didn't have the options that he suggested. However, I have done a lot more research and digging. One puzzle is solved, and that is that I couldn't understand what this page was because I couldn't find it anywhere.

    But through experimentation I found that when browsing as a guest, certain links bring up an error page stating -

    The page you are trying to access is not available to guests, but may be available if you sign in.

    But viewing the source markup of this page reveals that its title is

    <title>Sorry, you do not have permission for that!</title>

    I'm still completely puzzled as to how my page views have suddenly just shot up but at least the 1,700 page views of the "Sorry, you do not have permission for that!" Page making it rank at number two could be explained by guests (and presumably bots) will all generate this page if they click on the following links which are on my main menu -

    /forums/leaderboard/ "Find content" link

    /forums/topmembers/  "Find content" link

    /forums/discover/unread/ "unread content" link

    There is no option under permissions for guests to allow them to view this content. I don't understand why they can't by default, it seems harmless enough. So is there a way to allow guests to view this content?

    Should I not have these links in my main menu? Though it is an option to do this so it seems strange that the system allows these links to be created when they will only generate hundreds of thousands of error pages for nonmembers.

    Many thanks for your continued support in this.

  6. Hi Randy, yes that's what I initially thought until I saw the "Sorry, you do not have permission for that!" was the second largest page viewed in the last 28 days.

    From the last 12 months up until 5 April, the "sorry" page is at position 163, with 127 views by 97 members. But if I just look at figures for 6th April to today (6 days) then the sorry page is number 2 with 1,688 views by 1,688 members.

    I immediately assumed that this page is what has caused the spike, but thinking about it, as page views have gone up from 500 to about 3000 this page doesn't really account for all of the spike - but is at least a large part of it.

    Could you tell me what kind of page could bring up the "Sorry, you do not have permission for that!"? I've never come across it in 20 years of running forums. I can also only find one mention of it on Google.

    It can't be a link from a popular source, because anyone can view any page. Even if a link had a mistyped URL people would get a,"sorry we couldn't find that page". If someone was trying to log it they would get a wrong password error etc.

    So I'm struggling to think what could be generating this error page so relentlessly for six days solid.

  7. Thanks Randy. Unfortunately I can't see any URLs on Google analytics in the section that reports this.

    There aren't any pages on my website that people don't have access to, other than obviously an admin login for example. There wouldn't be any errors if a guest tried to view any pages as Invision just does not show, "reply to topic", or "post new topic to guests" who are not allowed to do so.

    It's hard not to suspect some sort of book when this has only happened after I upgraded to the latest version, though I appreciate that I'm the only one (at least so far) that has noticed this. There must be some way to find out what people are trying to access that they do not have permission for, especially when you have a massive spike like this?









  8. Hi Randy. Thank you for that. I do remember that, but then I put the correct details in, and the upgrade carried out successfully. I'm currently running version 4.7.9. So that's very strange, they are the only errors showing, and they are on the day that I upgraded the forums to the latest version. But it doesn't really explain any spike in page views.

    Page views have gone from between 4 and 500 a day to 1,459 on the 6th. Then 3,000 the next day, then 3,628 and has stayed in the 3,000s. The Sorry, you do not have permission for that! page has been viewed 1,700 times in the last week and is the second most viewed page on there.

    Is there any way to find out why the page is being refused and what page? It couldn't possibly be caused by me entering wrong Client area password when upgrading unless it's set off some weird reaction?

  9. Hello Randy. Thank you for your reply. Everyone can view all of the forums, and all posts including guests. Guests aren't allowed to reply, or start topics. But it's always been like that, and this strange thing only started several days ago.

    I've just found the following in the system error logs, which must be the culprit as they started on the same day. Any idea what is going on please? I don't have anything set to automatically upgrade.


    06/04/23 11:13     auto_upgrade     LogicException (0) Email address or password incorrect. Make sure you are providing the details that you use to log int...     

    06/04/23 11:11     auto_upgrade     LogicException (0) Email address or password incorrect. Make sure you are providing the details that you use to log int...     

    06/04/23 11:10     auto_upgrade     LogicException (0) Email address or password incorrect. Make sure you are providing the details that you use to log int...     

    21/03/23 11:14     uncaught_exception     OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 /home/customer/www/washerhelp.co.uk/public_html/forums/applications/cms...

  10. Hi. On 6th April, my Google analytics showed a big spike in visitors to my forums. In fact, it highlighted this and said that I had received a lot more visitors than it had expected or predicted. Visitors had almost doubled overnight. The next day, numbers shot up again, the day after visitors had gone up by over six times normal numbers. Looking at my most visited pages, I can see that the second most visited page is, "Sorry, you do not have permission for that! "

    I've never seen anything like this before. Have you any idea what could be behind this?

  11. Hi Marc, many thanks. Yes, I remember some years back asking technical support about it, and they said it wasn't possible to move forums to a different URL without breaking all the links. I was looking into moving www.SiteTWO/forums/articles/ to www.SiteONE/forums/articles/

    SiteTwo has been running for 23 years, SiteONE has been running for 16.

  12. Hi. My main site is "www.siteONE" and is run with WordPress. My forums are on www.siteTwo.

    My forums have an independent home page, but the forums are essentially a subsidiary of siteONE. In other words, everything I do is on siteONE, but forums are on siteTWO and both link very heavily between each other. The only reason it is this way is that the forums came first, and it doesn't seem possible to move them over to siteONE without losing URLs and SEO.

    Is this "Main site elsewhere?" setting relevant or am I overthinking it?



  13. Thanks Randy. I posted it here because I suspected the behaviour was normal, and not a technical issue. Therefore I would like to suggest that when creating a new group we should be prompted to set permissions if none are set by default and or to review permissions. 

    I've been using Invasion for 15 years, and have never created a new group before. As it stands, you create a new group, and nothing warns you that this new group has no permissions to even view the forums.  

  14. Hi,

    Have I done this incorrectly, or is this how it's supposed to work? I have some members who are very valued regular contributors, so I decided create a specific group so they did not need posts moderating and moved them into it. Some weeks later, I've noticed that when I look at the permissions section on any of my forums - the new group has no permissions to see any forums, or reply to them.

    Surely this can't be right? I didn't see anything about permissions when I created the group. So it seems like if I create any new group, by default the group is pointless because members can't see the forums unless I manually add permissions on all 20 forums one by one.

    I've also noticed that when creating a new home page, many of the blocks are also blocking the new group by default.

  15. 15 hours ago, CheersnGears said:

    3. Log into your IPS ACP and set Pages as the default app. Pages will now reside at mysite.co.uk, and your forums will reside at mysite.co.uk/forums.

    Many thanks to you both. I hadn't got around to dealing with this yet, but this seems like an ideal solution. The only thing that puzzles me, is moving everything in the /forms/ folder to root, and therefore deleting the forums folder. My current URLs are - www.mysite.co.uk/forums/topic/this-is-a-topic/

    Would the change in the config_global.php file rewrite all my urls so there would be no impact on SEO?

  16. Hello there, many thanks for your reply, it sounds interesting. But I am a little confused about a few things. When you say purchase the pages app, is that different from the pages section that I already have in my Invision dashboard? I've had the pages section for as long as I can remember, though I don't remember buying it separately.

    Also, I was looking for an option that didn't involve moving all of the files from the forums folder. Is there no way I could just create a page and have that appear when someone goes to mysite.co.uk whilst keeping everything else where it is?

    Am I even overthinking all this? Would it be perfectly okay for example to create a home page, which may end up inside a folder, but then simply divert mysite.co.uk/ to mysite.co.uk/pages/homepage/

  17. Hi. My forums are in a /forums folder. But my homepage URL goes to a WordPress page.

    I originally intended to build a WordPress site alongside the forums. But I never did. So now I have an entire WordPress installation, with several plug-ins all set up just to essentially run a single home page that has links to the forums.

    I would like to get rid of the WordPress installation. I've considered moving the forums over to the root, but it seems fraught with potential problems and issues, including things like having to divert thousands of topics URLs and potential Seo impact?

    Is it possible to delete my WordPress installation, and leave all my forums and topic's inside the forums folder, and create a home page and about me page inside Invision - but have them in the root folder?

    So all of my topics will remain, www.mysite.co.uk/forums/this-is-the-topic/ but my www.mysite.co.uk/ would go to an Invision page?

  18. Ok Marc. Sorry that I'm not understanding. I'm just going on the premise that you have to download the file, unzip it, and then run it. So it hangs on the extraction section, and my error logs show that the file failed to run, then I have expected that no changes could have happened. But if you are implying that something else might have gone on in the background before the upgrade file was downloaded then fair enough. Many thanks for your help.


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