Some use cases we use that should help me understand what is possible. We have 50-100 blocks that fall into one of these categories...
1). We use a php command to import html into an IPB block (for us, we use an external php script to generate different html content throughout the day via a cronjob... dumping to a flat file). Example in a custom php block:
2) Can we execute php in a block to tailor what is shown to a user based on information from a non-IPB database? Example:
$member_id = '';
if(isset($_COOKIE["mm2_member_id"])) {
$member_id = (int) $_COOKIE["mm2_member_id"];
if ($member_id != 0 && $member_id != '') {
//check a different non-IPB database to pull in data about a user, based on their common member_id
// Depending on returned value, show different things to the user
3) Can we execute full php code in a block (catch all question)? Seems no? We have soo many use cases here....