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Posts posted by NoSpy

  1. Hello

    I have to create a website for a club but only registered members will be able to see the content. Maintenance mode is very practical but problematic because when I need to update the website I have to block the site with htaccess or modify the DNS. My second problem is that even if the website is in maintenance mode, the robots manage to index content that has never been made public, which is very problematic.

    My question is how to create a private community that is only accessible to members without activating maintenance mode who blocks the future member's ability to pay for the subscription?

  2. When I move a category, I make a backup between each interaction.

    I've had to restore the website more than 12 times because the moves don't finish, some images are moved while others are still in the old folder like imageproxy.

    For gallery it's more problematic, your script modifies the CHMOD of the folders making them inaccessible requiring you to contact the host so that he can modify the rights and finally realize that the root folder of gallery has been corrupted, resulting in a partial loss of documents and files requiring you to restore the website.

  3. I've checked with my other hosts, none of which offer this feature except on the dedicated server, and I don't see why you insist on it. The hosting provider fully supports DYNAMIC InnoDB and MyISAM as you can see :


    The original question is that I'm unable to modify some tables MyISAM to InnoDB here's the list :


    This table MyISAM is empty or nearly so, and it's impossible to modify to InnoDB it without getting this error.

    Could contain: Text, Document

  4. 17 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Thats not something we would add in the software no. It's a hosting related function. You would need to contact your hosting company again if you are unable to change table type unfortunately.

    The host will not make any changes as demand is too low (2 clients only), we have also seen some loosening.


    If new table are created InnoDB COMPACT and I have change manualy to DYNAMIC

  5. On 6/20/2023 at 9:01 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    Have you checked to ensure your tables are not using compact row format?

    I have checked and all tables using DYNAMIC for InnoDB or MyISAM.

    My host by default set "InnoDB COMPACT" and "MyISAM DYNAMIC". It's possible add in global config ?

    • $INFO['mysql_tbl_type']            =    'InnoDB';
    • $INFO['mysql_tbl_type']            =    'DYNAMIC';


  6. We had made a back-up but didn't immediately realize that some files were missing. On another product I have several functions to clean up the database or remnants files. It should be possible to reset a comparison between database and storage.

    •     Find and delete all orphan (unused) tags - BD only.
    •     Find all posts not attached to a valid category + optional deletion with attached objects - BD only.
    •     Find all slugs not attached to an Item + optional deletion - BD only.
    •     Find and delete all orphaned comments (not attached to an Item) - Disc & BD.
    •     Find and delete all orphaned comment attachments - Disk & DB.
    •     Find and delete all orphaned File objects (not corresponding to a file on disk) - BD only.
    •     Find and delete all orphaned file roots (not attached to a Collection or User) and their contents (recursively) - Disk & DB.
    •     Recreate all item slugs (change canonical title slugs-[0-9] to a slug generated from the current title). The old slugs will still work, but will redirect to the new ones.

    I've noticed that there's a big information gap in the SQL database, which still has tables that shouldn't exist anymore. 

  7. I had to restore the whole website with a previous archive, as I had many files that were not copied to the new location and were deleted. Which justifies the need for a data recount feature, as moving files can take days/weeks/months depending on the volume of data. We've lost more than 1 month's work, since there's nothing to do but wait for the procedure to be completed.

  8. SELECT record_id FROM `cms_custom_database_80` WHERE category_id=768

    Unknown column 'record_id' in 'field list'

    SELECT record_id FROM `cms_custom_database_80` WHERE category_id=773

    Unknown column 'record_id' in 'field list'

    UnderflowException: forum_sync_disabled

    Error Non-InnoDB tables. But in my config setting I have $INFO['mysql_tbl_type']            =    'MyISAM';

  9. Sorry for the late reply. Since I started moving files as recommended my whole website has become unstable and I have lost many files. This required restoring the entire website 3 times.

    When I use the feature it doesn't move the files but deletes them and modifies the CHMODE on the folder making it totally unavailable. The upgrade from 4.5 to 4.7 created database errors.

    when I go to CPAdmin -> Get Support

    Could contain: Text, Page

    I can't solve the problem.

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