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Posts posted by Marafa

  1. Hi,

    This was the server team's reply :

    Dear Client,
    we have disabled the cache for the required domain


    but today I noticed again lack of counter updates, but will wait for a while as you said earlier it is a scheduled task. can I increase the frequency of running this task?


  2. Hi,

    I do empty the cash from ACP after each upgrade, and I run most upgrades/patches once issued

    here is a topic as an example that has replies and 0 reads


    you can see the same case for many other topics in the main forum page



    Will also check with server support regarding server cash


  3. 6 minutes ago, DawPi said:

    run task called viewupdates

    i did run the task, but still not updated


    6 minutes ago, DawPi said:

    ou mean that number displaying in the widget?

    yes , and i did clear the cash few minutes back , but still no update

  4. Hi,

    I received this notice from google analytics

    To enable data collection, you need to add your new Google Analytics tag (gtag.js) to the header of every page of your site


    Where to add this tag ?

  5. Hi,

    Please check links in the moderation history for this topic for example


    The link to topic at the end of each recorded moderation action does not help, as the only way to reach this menu is from the topic itself, while related moderated post link only appears in the link added to ((a comment)) . i believe it is useful to have both links linked to the edited (moderated) post. 

    i assume this was the case before few updates


  6. After last update moderators cannot lock topics

    while they can unlock locked topics

    as an admin i could lock topics , and new message appears to notify the author

    while this alert shows to moderators without the option to enable notification , and their action to lock a topic is not processed


  7. The Prune Setting is 30 Days

    The Task was run siicceffuly , 

    Still the ACP shows that the file size if 13.5 GB

    The log table core_mail_error_logs within the database is 13.33 GB in size. You may wish to adjust the pruning options for these logs to keep the log table smaller in size.

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