I'm not sure what you're talking about.
1 - Created a custom field for the club:
- Added any value to the field in the club settings:
And it displays:
What do you mean by " a long list of empty fields"? Where?
My plugin don't control this kind of thing. Disable the plugin and try again. If it insists, submit a bug report to IPS because it's abbug in the Core.
I'm willing to use it, if you share.
It's not a template; it's template hook. You can edit it directly in the plugins\clubsenhancements\hooks\clubsenhancementsBadges.php file.
I just updated the file!
Give me a few minutes and I'll put it on a template.
Hi @Claire Field, you mean this https://www.patreon.com/?
No, currently it has no 3rd-party implementation but I can take a look on it in a future version.
I mean, if they have some kind of API, etc.
@ekforum @BradTBP @Cyboman and all Raffles clientes: I just released Raffles 1.0.2 Beta 1: http://www.sosinvision.com.br/ips4/index.php?/files/file/28-raffles/
Please, download and test to see if the issues reported by you are fixed. If you find anything else, please report it in the Trarcker: http://www.sosinvision.com.br/ips4/index.php?/tracker/raffles/
Take a look here: http://www.sosinvision.com.br/ips4/index.php?/tracker/raffles/tried-to-add-membersgroups-r390/
Another user reported something similar, so I provided a quick fix. Definitive fix in a couple of days; I'll wait people test it a litte more.
Btw, there are another two fixes there.
What's New in Version 1.0.12:
It checks properly the allowed areas (apps) according to the user group configuration when creating a club ( Automatically create the following features).
I just want to know where they still appears. In the form where you create the club where I list all features to be automatically created OR after the club has been created, that would be an option inside the Manage Club menu.
I need to test this. So you disable apps in the groups and still they're able to create features? And when disable the plugin, it's ok?
They're still present in the options I added in the Club form, and not inside the Club in the Manage Club menu, right?
@Meddysong, it's not just a case of add a couple of fields here and there. You'll have to change all PHP files, all templates that includes Clubs. This is insane and should be made by IPS, in the Core.