Permanent Audio Stream from IPB preventing Computer Standby
Who else could give me an idea what can be wrong with this function?
Permanent Audio Stream from IPB preventing Computer Standby
Any ideas or feedback? @bfarber
Mercury_ started following Post Areas - Supporttopic , Permanent Audio Stream from IPB preventing Computer Standby , (NE) Quote Enhancements and 2 others
Permanent Audio Stream from IPB preventing Computer Standby
Hello everyone, the IPB generates a permanent audio stream. In the root_framework.js is a function "initSoundFile" that maybe is responsible for this behavior. I think it is used for the notification sound. But this permanent stream prevents my computer from standby. Only disabling JavaScript oder closing Firefox will help. The browser setting of disabling notifications won't help here. Can you from IPB can please give a statement to this? Other users of IPB also have the same problem. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/13577-forum-is-preventing-my-laptop-from-sleeping/
Enhanced Joined Date
Just great. 🤗 Two comments. The Euro-Style somehow always displays the english time format. And the Euro-Style is always "Joined since" Style. The original request aimed to the "regular format" for example "joined 10. August 2018". Maybe you can do a little tuning here, that would be perfect. Thank you again.
Enhanced Joined Date
Hello togehter, I do have an question again. Is there a chance to format the regular joined date? Actually it is for example "August 10, 2018", I want to change it to "10. August 2018". I didn't see it in the settings or as a little change in the .xml. 😕
(MIX) Advanced Online Indicator [support topic]
No Problem @MIXOH I fixed this bug on my own by changing 7 code fragments. It't working very well as intendet, also a admin can see annonymous users.
(MIX) Advanced Online Indicator [support topic]
@MIXOH How is the bugfixing process going? Could you please support your customers for this paid plugin?
(MIX) Advanced Online Indicator [support topic]
Yes please, my members are complaining about this because they want to use the anonymouse function. This addon actually is destroying this function. @MIXOH IPB is already bringing this solution in the postheader Can you maybe inplement it as a hotfix? My members are not really satisfied to wait Months until a maybe release.
(MIX) Advanced Online Indicator [support topic]
I would be happy to receive a responce @MIXOH , thank you
(NE) Quote Enhancements
Hello, one question before purchasement. I do have a quite big community. And my concern is that this addon might increase the server load by extra queries. Can you please give me some more information how this plugin will work with database queries and server load?
(DP42) CSE Google
Hello @DawPi Nice addon - Thank you. One question/wish ... I only want to have this addon optionally active for my members. If this addon is installed, it will become the standard search. Is there a way to switch it standard-optionally?
(MIX) Advanced Online Indicator [support topic]
Hello. For an advanced online indicator - Is it somehow possible to let members choose to hide this indication from other members? @MIXOH As possible example ... if a member did choose to be logged in anonymously ... not to show the online status to other members.
Enhanced Joined Date
Wow, fantastic. Exactly what is needed. Thank you very much.
Enhanced Joined Date
Hello. Great plugin - Thank you very much. 🙂 I do have one question - How can I change the order of the profile information? For example: above the post count. @Adriano Faria
(NB40) Separate Pinned Topics
Hello. Simple question. Are the seperated pinned topics collapsable? Or if not will it be possible in a future version? Because some long term members don't need the pinned topics and would be happy if they could sort them out.
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