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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Rikki

  1. Rikki

    Not happy

    Hi, As per our standards of service, you can expect a response within 48 hours (24 hours for business licenses), although it's generally much faster than that (within a day). Upgrades and installs can sometimes take longer than general queries just by the nature of what they require, so sit tight, and a tech will be contacting you soon :) Thanks for your patience!
  2. Just a quick note to let you know that Alex Duggan's excellent CSS guide has been updated for IP.Board 2.2, and is now available on the site :) You can download it as a PDF, or use a web-based version. Both are available at: http://community.ipslink.com/board/documentation.html Thanks to Alex for his hard work on putting this together again, we know the community appreciates it! Rikki
  3. Today is the day we've pencilled in a UT2004 game for any IPS members that want to play. Exact time is to be decided, probably starting around 9pm GMT and going on for a few hours. If you're interested in playing, let us know in this topic.
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