Index of / error (Missing homepage) after 4.7.19 upgrade
How odd - we'll update the FTP details accordingly. Not sure if the index file used to be in public_home or is in the root folder. Homepage working like a charm now. Thank you!
Index of / error (Missing homepage) after 4.7.19 upgrade
Hi Daniel, Upgrade was done via ACP. No errors were detected at the time of upgrade status. Haven’t touched files in a long while, but when we first installed, was done manually. When you say whole package, are you referring to the installation package found in the Client Area?
craigf136 started following Index of / error (Missing homepage) after 4.7.19 upgrade
Index of / error (Missing homepage) after 4.7.19 upgrade
Hello all, Just upgraded to the latest 4.7.19 version for our community and am experiencing the classic missing index page error: We can access our AdminCP and any other forum webpage through difference means. It's only the index page that appears to have disappeared after the upgrade. Any way to resolve this or recover the index page belonging to this upgrade? Many thanks!
Videos Support
Hi Michael, Videos app is causing error when viewing profile page, disabled all apps and when Videos enabled, the error below is thrown. [[Template core/front/tables/rows is throwing an error Error: Call to undefined method IPS\videos\Category::contentPostedIn() in /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(860) : eval()'d code:1606 Stack trace: #0 public_html/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\class_core_front_tables->rows(Object(IPS\Helpers\Table\Content), Array, Array) #1 /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(860) : eval()'d code(2723): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('rows', Array) #2 /public_html/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\class_core_front_tables->table(Object(IPS\Helpers\Table\Content), Array, Array, NULL, false) #3 /public_html/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(564): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('table', Array) #4 /public_html/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(623): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString() #5 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->content() #6 /public_html/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(73): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #7 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute() #8 /public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #9 {main} Backtrace #0 /public_html/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(71): IPS\_Log::log(Object(Error), 'template_error') #1 /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(860) : eval()'d code(2723): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('rows', Array) #2 /public_html/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\class_core_front_tables->table(Object(IPS\Helpers\Table\Content), Array, Array, NULL, false) #3 /public_html/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(564): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('table', Array) #4 /public_html/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(623): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString() #5 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->content() #6 /public_html/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(73): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #7 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute() #8 /public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #9 {main}
Create Menu still needs a re-work
It's a nice feature of @Ehrenthemes tbh but statistics on it aren't available. So hard to tell if it's a game changer unless I'm missing something?
Create Menu still needs a re-work
To be completely honest, who actually uses the create option? I've not seen any statistics but I don't know anyone that actually does?
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
Yeah still does it. screen-capture (1).webm
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
Hi @aXenDev, found a bug with responsive viewport sizes. I have some members testing and they have different screens sizes and reported this issue, so I did a little test and couldn't replicate the issue on screen size such as 1360x768, 1280x1024. So I did a window snap, and it correctly switched to mobile view on all screen resolutions. However, if you increase the window size by dragging it across to more than half the screen for example, it doesn't resize correctly. I have tested this on my site and repeated all the time, I have tested this on @byMarcoXwebsite (as a user who uses this theme) and repeated all the time. Using Chrome Version Version 88.0.4324.190, repeatable in Edge but nowhere near as bad as Chrome or Firefox - actually miniscule in Edge. As you can see horizontal scroll bar appears, it then disappears after a little while. The main content area isn't centred and the space on the left is a lot more than on the right. Until you increase the size more and it all aligns correctly. As mentioned, repeated on @byMarcoX website - https://larascasse.fr/forum/ screen-capture (1).webm
Kevin is not supporting any of his products and they are no longer available on the marketplace. A good explanation of why is available here.
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
Thank you, I'll be in touch as I have a couple of questions/suggestions. The main one being able to move the userbar below the navigation bar and moving navigation above. Disabling the header and inserting the logo into the main navigation and making the main navigation sticky. As you can see, I have I copy of the fluent theme saved for customising and this I what I'm looking to achieve. However, theme updates are going to break it. Would be easier if it was part of the default or indeed a seperate theme. 2cac8953958919526fd877fd2b74f3f8.mp4 Having the option to have multiple image backgrounds, at the moment it's one for dark and one for light. Having the option to have ipsLayout_contentArea with a dark background and ability to have breadcrumb and social icons within this. As when you have an image background all text within a page is on has no background at all. ipsLayout_contentArea / ipsLayout_contentWrapper / breadcrumb / social icons Fluent standard (no image background) - which looks fine with no image background With image background This is due to content wrapper having nothing associated to it from what I can see. I'm happy to have a chat with you anytime, PM or discord etc.
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
Thank you, doesn't seem to happen when clicking links now but clicking logo it does still seem to happen? b969dfed5c4e097dda961b0438e4bbd5.mp4 Thank you Current theme, uses mega footer editable in theme settings. It's not a seperate application/plugin. The code is calling ipsAreaBackground_light at the top <div class="ipsRichEmbed_header ipsAreaBackground_light ipsClearfix"> at the bottom it's calling .ipsPadding\:double { padding: var(--sp-8) !important; } The bottom would just need a background colour css call for light or dark ipsAreaBackground? Apologies I have completely misread, 199.99 for copyright removal, no renewal. 99.99 is the theme renewal every 6 months. I'll PM you a link and login details.
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
Loving the theme, the options with the theme settings are plentiful. Crisp and clean but there is a lot of questions that I have, suggestions and feedback. I have bought the theme with the soul intention of switching over to this in due course but I'm in two minds at the moment for a few reasons. Mainly usability. Switching from dark to light is very snappy, however, when in dark mode and switching page, it auto loads the light style before quickly loading the dark style - which is the default we have set. Is there anyway to stop this at all? I noticed a previous post on this topic referring to it and an update released? I just bought and installed this yesterday and from within ACP marketplace and it's still doing it (see below). db5481eb367bc08aed53cf13dd3edccd.mp4 If we have 2 menu items from pages, then the code for fontawesome is inserted as per guide nav .ipsNavBar_primary li[data-navext="Pages"] a::before {content: "\f03d" !important;} However, every page receives this, as all Pages are the same navext with seperate id's, this is also the same for customitem (link to the page). Unless I'm missing some obvious? So they end up having the exact same font awesome. Also I have two menu items nav .ipsNavBar_primary li[data-navext="Videos"] a::before {content: "\f03d" !important;} If I use f167 (YouTube), it "will not" show the fontawesome but fo3d "will" show without issue? No change to the code other than the unicode. nav .ipsNavBar_primary li[data-navext="Pages"] a::before {content: "\f518" !important;} The above works fine and shows an open book but if I use f266 (wikipedia) it will not show? Not sure what all the options are within theme settings, an explanation of all the settings, and what they do would be great. The PDF guide is great but lacks a lot of information on all the different options. For example, what does "Enable shrink forum names?" do exactly? For the life of me, I'm struggling to understand why the footer is within language translation? That is really strange. It should be within the theme settings for footer (all other themes have it there). Same feedback for Highlight block in profile and slider, these should all be within theme settings, without the need to go into languages and translation. Everything theme related, should be editable within the theme and not having to go elsewhere to edit. I don't seem to be able to find a setting for ipsbox ipspad? It seems to have been removed? If you have no background image, you can select the background colour and it looks OK. However, if you have a background image and as there is no class="ipsBox ipsPad. The it is simple text on the background (whether colour or image background) and it doesn't look good. Example, current theme Your theme Page built using page builder (current theme) Your theme Just not as sleek imho. Topics, and inserting internal links on dark theme, all embeds are from the light version of the theme and not dark. This may be intentional but doesn't suit a dark theme. I was looking at copyright removal and I don't mind paying to remove it, $30/$40 is about the going rate but no other theme supplier is charging a copyright renewal fee every 6 months, to maintain the removal that I'm aware of? Actually makes me not want to purchase copyright removal, resulting in you losing out on revenue. The renewal is $14.99 every 6 months, and then 199.99pln for copyright removal (roughly $54) then every 6 months 99.99pln ($27.00 at current exchange rate) for copyright removal totalling $41.99 every 6 months. That is more than IPS are charging for renewal of forum and pages. Not being negative, just supplying honest and constructive feedback/criticism. I'm a Scotsman and quite forward with my wording at times, it's not intended how it can come across at times but on this occasion, it seems to me to be taken the ****. There's a lot right with the theme and there's a lot wrong with it, especially for what you're charging.
Any update as to when 4.5 version will be available?
4.5.2 - ACP Marketplace
I just want to point out that I’m all for the marketplace in the ACP and the many benefits it brings. My post was intended as honest feedback, to what I believe to be an oversight.
4.5.2 - ACP Marketplace
Yes, this is very ridiculous especially that there isn't even an apology or statement claiming this functionality is coming back soon. This is not a way to do software development. This might have been forgivable if the marketplace was just being introduced, but to then remove this functionality with many users already having purchases is absurd. It’s not absurd as it’s still available on ips website as it was before but it’s fundamental to the marketplace and should have been included within the ACP as standard imho.