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Everything posted by Ihia

  1. Thanks for help Marc I* appreciate it Is there a rebuild going on? The forum is very slow It doesnt show a reindexing taking place in the dashboard
  2. Hi I will delete them, dont want to switch off as we do want to keep the points This is what I have done so far Points Deleted ALL rules except 1 point per post - that is how it was before the upgrade. I am about the delete all the badges.
  3. OK thanks Is there a way to simply turn OFF Badges or just delete them all individually?
  4. Heres an example of the Ranks issue Member A 10,000 Posts Each post is 1 point He shows as a Rookie i.e. his rank says he has less than 90 posts It would seem that there has been no reindexing of peoples past efforts.
  5. Hi Marc Thanks for fast response 1. Yes the ranks have all gone and its quite urgent we get the originals back. We did select "keep" but as you can see they have all gone. The problem is not just the names but everyone has reverted to 0 so all showing as a newbie. The same thing happened when we did the Pattaya forum (you may recall) and you guys managed to fix that. 2. I can delete the badges manually. If I just delete them all will it stop awarding them? 3. Yes i understand the new points system as we sorted them out on the other forums. I just assumed using the "keep" options would retain the existing ones. If the only way is to redo these i can but I do think "keep" should mean keep.
  6. Trying here at Marcs suggestion due to the "bubble" ticket systemt being remnoved. Forum = thailand-247.com We rather belatedly upgraded this two days ago. Selected the "stay the same" options but it hyas done the following 1. All ranks have gone 2. Badges have been added. 3. The Points system has completely changed. I am assuming I can just delete the badges?? But we need the ranks reverting to how they were before the upgrade and the points system putting back as it was.
  7. OK thanks I will try using the forum here, thank you
  8. Yes I was referring to the bubble thing - that has gone. is that correct? It has just vanished completely
  9. Thanks I found it but that seems to just send an email. Has the "live chat" support ended?
  10. Hi Marc Thank you for your fast response The problem with doing it here is that some are somewhat private TBH. Where do I find the "click on license" you mention? When did these stop? I was using them a few days ago.
  11. Hi Guys My support tickets seem to have vanished from the Client Area. I have always used this link https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/ It shows me as logged in but there are no tickets there plus the option to add a new one has gone too. Am I still in the correct place or is there a specific url for tickets now?
  12. I have the aws plugin for sending emails, when we send a bulk email and the mail chimp plugin is on, we are getting 4-6 duplicates per email address. When i turn the mail chimp plugin off, we are ok I am only using the mail chimp plugin to collect emails from signups, nothing else. But i noticed these errors in the logs.
  13. I have a few errors, looks like it might not be compatible with the latest version, it does say its compatible up to the last one. is this going to be updated? or should i try and find an alternative? happy to pay the 15 usd again
  14. Thank you Im finding out where to do that :) many thanks
  15. Hi Daniel I thought this was the ticket. Could you tell me where I do thank and thanks for the quick reply.
  16. Task Method is "Community in the Cloud" Its the only option available in the task method field - assuming I am looking in the right place
  17. Hi Guys This has been happening on and off for a couple of weeks now. Some members (around 20%) are unable to comment on threads. They are "forced" to comment by adding a txt file This seems to be entirely random i.e. different groups (including Mods), different locations etc. Sometimes it just goes away, then comes back again. Any ideas?
  18. Hi Guys Our background processes started reindexing about 10 days ago. Rather than shrinking it seems to just be growing and is now at 47 pages in the queue with NONE of them seemingly moving The warning message does say it can take some time but as I said it been about 10 days now and hasnt moved at all. Many thanks
  19. is it easy to add stripe?
  20. I have it working now
  21. I have just installed this on my forum hosted on the invision cloud, its set for guests only and I am checking with a browser that I don't normally use. The popup isnt showing, could it be a caching issue? I have gone into the forum support function to clear cache, but not sure if that does it all
  22. nothing related in system logs only error is this, but unrelated, i will make a new api key GeoIP Error Requested IP: Array Response: IPS\Http\Response Object ( [httpResponseVersion] => 1.1 [httpResponseCode] => 414 [httpResponseText] => Request-URI Too Large [httpHeaders] => Array ( [Server] => CloudFront [Date] => Mon, 13 Jul 2020 11:46:30 GMT [Content-Type] => text/html [Content-Length] => 915 [Connection] => close [X-Cache] => Error from cloudfront [Via] => 1.1 d1cde188ada6755fe03b8541b71fce4a.cloudfront.net (CloudFront) [X-Amz-Cf-Pop] => IAD89-C1 [X-Amz-Cf-Id] => b5FZGcNz9J5YblO77lRTUGo3MmQczmO5JzRvu6ukF1XX9DpRNKdRQA== ) [cookies] => Array ( ) i didnt know what to add in the "mailchimp user name merge code" i only need to collect the email, but i added this *|FNAME|* and i left all the tags as 0
  23. I have tried a test signup twice It says insert list name which I did, on your instructions (perhaps old ones) it says insert ID number which I tried also yes I added the api key also I am still getting 0 on my list, any ideas? I cant find the api logs anywhere thank you for your help
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