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IP.Content 1.1.2

IP.Content 1.1.2 is being prepared for quality assurance testing, and I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know about a couple of new (but useful) features and changes in this minor point release. Stability and Performance In addition to fixing all reported issues, and adding in proper support for our MSSQL driver, we've added many resource improvements throughout the software. Databas…




Welcome to the new Blog!

We've just upgraded the IP.Blogs application we use on these forums to 2.1.0 beta 1. As you can see, it's a fairly substantial upgrade with many new features and improvements. This blog entry will run through the main ones: Efficiency I've added several more caching layers for commonly requested data from blogs and entries. This, along with significant SQL query work makes this version the most …




IP.Gallery 3.1.0 now in testing

We are pleased to announce that IP.Gallery 3.1.0 is now in the beta testing stage, and has been installed on this board for public testing! This update brings many refinements, performance optimizations, and new features, including: Friendly URLs IP.Gallery now makes full use of the IP.Board FURL system. Categories, albums, images and more now have the friendly URL structure you're familiar with…




How IPS uses its hosting services to grow and learn

Origins of IPS offering hosting services IPS has always considered itself a services company above and beyond a traditional software company. Through the years we have always found ways of providing offerings to our clients from phone and ticket support all the way to our new spam monitoring service and upcoming chat service that extend our software beyond a standalone application. Soon after …




IP.Gallery 3.1.0 Preview

Development for the next version of IP.Gallery is well underway and we're excited to tell you about some of the new features you can expect. Please keep in mind that this is only a sample of the new features and not a complete list. Friendly URLs Categories, Albums, and images are now integrated into the global IP.Board 3 FURL system. Category/Album Covers It is now possible to specify one …




IP.Blog 2.1.0 Development News

Works is progressing well on the next version of our blogging software. A lot has already been completed and I wanted to take a moment to share some of the improvements. Efficiency and Extensibility I've put a lot of effort into refactoring a few core classes to make them more useful and extensible. The ultimate aim is to remove function duplication and consolidate common actions into single fun…




Community Resources Blog Open to Authors

We have added the ability for those that submit downloads to our community resources database to submit blog entries on the community resources blog. This new feature will allow resource authors a great place to update users on their work and promote new features or updates. We hope resource authors will take advantage of this new option to reach out to fans of your offerings. You can find the lin…




IP.Downloads 2.1

While upgrading our addon applications for IP.Board 3.0 compatibility, we blogged about the state of the updates and our plans for the future. At that time, we detailed that there wouldn't be many new features in the applications initially, but instead that we would be releasing feature updates for our addon applications later this year. Development for IP.Downloads 2.1 is well underway and we…




bbAuthority: "Interview with Matt Mecham"

bbAuthority.com has posted an interview with Matt Mecham, CSA and Chairman of IPS: http://www.bbauthority.com/interviews/interview-with-matt-mecham-founder-of-ipb




CleanCut Skin Updated

The CleanCut skin has been updated on our company forums and in the client area under: Downloads / IP.Board / Development Releases This version will work with 3.0.4 of IP.Board. We hope you enjoy!




New Mobile skin coming soon

New Mobile skin When we developed IP.Board 3.0, we took the decision to keep the same basic Lo-Fi skin that appeared in IP.Board 2.x, but expand it to include the ability to post, which was a commonly requested feature. Since 3.0's release, we've had a lot of feedback requesting that we expand the Lo-Fi skin further, and create a truly mobile experience for IP.Board users. Now we're pleased to i…




Demo Updated

Good news: Our demo system has been upgraded to IP.Board 3.0.4 and IP.Content 1.1.0 and the standard time for a demo increased from 8 to 24 hours. Feel free to create an account to have a look. As always, certain functions do not work on the demo system for security and other general oddities can pop up because of the restrictions. Of course you will not have such issues on a real install of our…




IP.Content 1.1.0 Beta 3 Available

IP.Content 1.1.0 Beta 3 has been made available through the client area for users with an active IP.Content license. It has been posted under the "Development Releases" category. Please note that IP.Content 1.1.0 Beta 3 remains unsupported. If you are not comfortable using beta software on your site, we recommend you wait for the final release of IP.Content 1.1.0. Please see our blog entry regar…




IP.Subscriptions 1.1.0

I'm pleased to say that work has begun on IP.Subscriptions 1.1.0, our purchasable subscriptions manager for your community. This continues our commitment to develop and mature the product beyond IP.Board 3.0 compatibility. Already, the subscription manager has come on leaps and bounds. New features already added include more robust PayPal payments which fully support recurring payments and recur…




Custom Services Directory

We have created a new directory for sites that provide custom skin design and/or programming services for IPS products. Custom Services Directory If you provide custom skin design or programming services for IPS products please submit your site or service today. It's a great way to increase your business and get more referrals directly from IPS!




IP.Content 1.1.0 Beta 2 available

We've been hard at work on our latest version of IP.Content, as we discussed in our last blog entry, and have been testing it with a small group of beta testers for the last week or two now. We have decided to open up beta testing to all customers with active IP.Content licenses. IP.Content is the new name for Community Content System. IP.Content 1.1.0 introduces support for custom dynamic dat…




First Look: IP.Content 1.1.0

We've been hard at work on the next version of our Community Content System which we have formally renamed to IP.Content. There are many exciting new capabilities with the latest version of IP.Content that we think you will like. For the most part, our efforts into 1.1.0 have centered around one new major feature: custom databases. In IP.Content 1.1 you will be able to create an unlimited number…




New Resources Sections

We have made two sections of resources available on our site: Official and Community. Official Resources These are resources made by IPS staff and include everything from getting started guides to developer documentation. We are still populating our database of documentation and appreciate your feedback on what sort of information you might be looking for. What seems easy to IPS staff can often…




Customer Access on Forums

We are working on making customer access here on our company forums work better. During our changes some clients may have been removed from Customers group and put in the Members group. If you are experiencing issues please first try this: The most common issue we have is with customers not logging in with the email they use in the client area. If you are still having trouble please submit a…




CleanCut Skin Beta

The first beta release of the CleanCut skin is now available in the client area under the Development Releases section of IP.Board. There may be issues with the skin so please test it before using it live. Report bugs in the CleanCut section of our bug tracker. Enjoy!




Community Skins Preview

Since IP.Board 3.0.0 was a brand new release, it shipped with a brand new design. This design was intended to be easy-to-use, whilst looking as attractive as possible. However, some may prefer the older versions and this is where our newest community project steps in. For the past few weeks, the skinners from our Community Developer team have been hard at work reviving three classic skins from t…




Spam Monitoring Service Update

Our new Spam Monitoring Service is being adopted by thousands of IP.Board owners all over the web and we are starting to see the system "learning" about spam accounts and blocking registrations from all the incoming reports. It's great to see the community of IP.Board owners working together to help combat spam. We are noticing that some clients are not properly using the service because of doma…




Demo System Updated

Our demo system has been updated to include the latest build of our soon to be released Community Content System. There is a limit to the number of active accounts that can have a demo at once so if the system is full just try back later. It cycles old accounts every few minutes. http://www.invisionpower.com/products/demo.php



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