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I'm pleased to say that work has begun on IP.Subscriptions 1.1.0, our purchasable subscriptions manager for your community. This continues our commitment to develop and mature the product beyond IP.Board 3.0 compatibility.

Already, the subscription manager has come on leaps and bounds. New features already added include more robust PayPal payments which fully support recurring payments and recurring cancelations. Improved debugging tools and email notifications make managing your payments easier. Huge improvements in the interface on the public and administration sides help elevate the application further.

IP.Subscriptions 1.1.0 will fix any remaining bugs and introduce further Admin CP interface improvements as well as the ability to restrict subscription packages to specific member groups.

We'll bring you further updates over the next week as the release starts taking shape.

IP.Subscriptions is free to all active IP.Board license holders. v1.0.0 is available from your download center now.