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IP.Downloads 2.1 Installed Here

While we announced planned features for IP.Downloads 2.1 in October, we've been a bit quiet about it since then. This wasn't because we had forgotten about IP.Downloads, or because we had some secret thing going on in the background we didn't want to relay to you just yet. We simply wanted to take the time to test out the changes a little bit before applying them live to our site. We know everyone would be quite upset if the resources section was down for a prolonged period of time, so we knew we had to get it right.

I'm pleased to inform you that we've now updated IP.Downloads here to version 2.1, and it seems to be running quite well. There's going to be bugs here and there, given that this is a pre-final release (please report all bugs you find to our bug tracker, as always), however on the whole we think you'll like what you see.

So head on over to the resources section and take a look at the new and improved download manager.

For those of you who contribute, you'll find a few nice features in this release which you might wish to take advantage of. While these are highlighted in the previous blog entry I linked to, a quick summary is as follows:

  • You can now submit multiple files at one time per file record.
  • You can now submit multiple screenshots per file record
  • When submitting links you can identify a link "type" (i.e. a mirror, for instance)
  • Due to the improved file uploading process, a progress bar is now shown for all files uploading

We look forward to your feedback!

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