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Can no longer find the Popular Now Block…

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Posted this on Feedback Forum and got crickets.

Actually I know why. The powers that be at IPB eliminated, removed, took away that Hot/Active Topic Block from lower tier plans at the most recent software update. Maybe it was in the Update info, I don’t know, but it came as a shock and disappointment to me and the Members of my nearly 23 year old Board/Discussion Form….which converted to IPB in 2016.

I contacted Support and apparently this Block was removed from the Plan I am on. A similar “Trending Now” Block is available on other Plans. Starting at $250/month. That would put me out of the Discussion Forum business.  

This is a blow to my long term community. That Hot Topic block is an integral part of my Members Board browsing and participation experience. 

Could the IPB team PLEASE explain to me the reason and logic behind arbitrarily eliminating this very popular and useful  info Block for those of us with smaller more intimate Board Communities? That one block and the data needed certainly wasn’t taxing the server enough to warrant this. 

*And more importantly is there a process in place to get this basic feature reinstalled for lesser tier plans on the next Software Update?


Edited by Allen Bradford
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Please keep in mind that our response times are 72 hours, though often extremely faster than that (as you've experienced). We have responded to your Feedback topic so I will close this now. Thank you for your patience. 

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