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Positive Feedback from a Returning Member and Client

Andy C

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Having recently rejoined as a new member since previously being a member and support volunteer many years ago when the version number was 3.0.x to 3.1x

I decided to become a client again after using the version 5 alpha test site and helping others with finding bugs.

Initially getting a trial for the current version 4, I decided to purchase a self hosted version, even though I have no plans on having a live forum. Simply wanting to be reacquainted with the Admin CP area and learn all the setting and customisation options. In the current version it is such an improvement in functionality from previously, although that was still easy to use. 

Installation was a breeze just as I remember. Configuration options are plentiful with the option to run your community with just minimal steps needed to setup the structure of your forums etc to customising settings, themes and adding functionality as needed.

It is great to be back within this community, using the software that I have enjoyed using since version 3 and which has continued to improve in both functionality and design. Fabulous work by all involved.


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Welcome back!

It's great to see you giving newer versions of the software a go despite not having any plans to launch a community. I too share the same support for everyone involved with v5, and it's continuing development will prove to be a massive benefit to the majority of community managers taking advantage of everything Invision Community has to offer.

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I appreciate the welcome back, thank you 🙏 Although I have no plans to run my own community, I am happy to be a client even if it’s a little extravagant for my own use but as I have always got enjoyment from using Invision Community both as a user and an Admin, I couldn’t resist now I only work 3 days a week.

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