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Commerce: bug when upgrading/downgrading a Package


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Hi team,

The bug mentioned in my first post has been corrected, thank you.

However, I realize that there's another bug in the same part of the code:

In \IPS\nexus\Package, at line 3579:

if( !$diff->invert and $diff->days > 0 )
	$purchase->expire = $purchase->start->add( $diff );


The problem is that the above code adds the $diff difference to the purchase date, which is incorrect.

Let's take an example:

Today is December 7, 2023.
The purchase date is November 12, 2023.
The initial term is 1 month.

We therefore have :
$initial = new \DateInterval( "P{$newPackage->initial_term}" ) = 1 month

$diff = \IPS\DateTime::create()->diff( $purchase->start->add( $initial ) )
         = difference between today and (purchase date + initial term) 
         = difference between December 7 and (November 12 + 1 month)
         = difference between December 7 and December 12
         = 5 days
The code :

$purchase->expire = $purchase->start->add( $diff );

... will then set the purchase expiry date to :

$purchase->expire = $purchase->start->add( $diff );
                                = November 12 + 5 days
                                = November 17
... whereas the expiry date should be December 12.

This code therefore causes the purchase to expire prematurely: it is considered to have expired on November 17, whereas it should be valid until December 12.

To correct this problem, add to $purchase->start the initial term, not the difference in days.
The correct code should be as follows:

$purchase->expire = $purchase->start->add( $initial );


Thank you for your help!

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