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New Spotify Embed issues

John Horton

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This week (after latest update) I noticed that the Spotify player is not working on my site - in articles. It seems to work in topics. For me, it is broken in mobile but I showed it to @opentype and he said it works for him sometimes and seems to not be related to Mobile vs Desktop. IDK.

Is this an issue with IPS player code? 

Example URL https://ballofspray.com/articles.html/spraymakers-season-4-episode-15-what-matters-most-r3808/

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Its difficult to say what issue you may be having there, as its working on this end on your site. That would tend to indicate its very likely your end rather than your sites end. What browser are you using when it breaks?

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@Marc Stridgen

As of Saturday morning, I was getting a 404 error for the embed on two mobile devices, one Android and one iPhone but not on the desktop. I showed it to @opentype and he could replicate the error  1 time in 10 try's and suggested it was not related to mobile vs desktop. 

This morning everything seems to work but I am going to continue to watch it. I did get the error on my Android this morning and then I cleared my cache and all is good. IDK.

Maybe Spotify was doing something weird last week?

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