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ips.ui.lightbox.js meta hardcoded to display image url, not provided meta data

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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Bit of a deep cut this, and probably been there forever, but it would be nice to get this patched, if not in the 4x line, then 5x.

_showImage method, line 305 (or approx) in ips.ui.lightbox.js

			// Build meta info
			if( image.meta ){
					.html( ips.templates.render('core.lightbox.meta', { title: image.largeImage } ) );
			} else {

Any alphanumeric/variable we pass in a front-end template through the data-ipsLightbox-meta bit, (e.g. data-ipsLightbox-meta="DERP"), will never display as you have the title variable in the render call hardcoded to image.largeImage instead of image.meta.

image.largeImage is just the url to the image; once patched we can throw titles, descriptions, whatever at this. Loads better than staring at a full url. Easy fix to boot.

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Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.


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