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User appears in "active subscribers" list twice despite having only one subscription

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We have a user with one active subscription according to their customer profile but who appears twice in the ACP's active subscribers list (should be easy to spot if you access our ACP - I can provide specific links and screenshots if you convert this to a ticket). They're only paying for one subscription, as far as I can tell, so it looks like the list pulls from a different data source than the customer profiles and the list's data source is incorrect.

I'd like to correct the inconsistency and see if there's a bug here that can be fixed in a future release (or perhaps already was). It's unclear how Commerce got into this state and how to fix it, which is why I hope IPS support can take a look at it.

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The user appears to have both an active and an inactive subscription there, which is why you can only see one active subscription they are using, but they have 2 entries there. If you want to see a list of your subscribers, you would be best to select the "Active" tab at the top

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By "active subscribers list," I did mean the ACP's subscriber list with the "Active" tab selected. You might have looked at a different user.

This screenshot shows what I was referring to (I had to redact virtually everything because this is a public post but hope it's enough for you to locate the issue):

Could contain: Page, Text

This is that user's customer profile:

Could contain: Page, Text, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen

As you can see, it only lists one active subscription. The invoice history also shows it's the only subscription they're paying for. So seeing them appear twice in the active subscribers list is puzzling.

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