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Latest Version not running PHP 8.0


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It was necessary for the operation of our server, cpanels and other software installs, PHP 8.x had to be installed.

After doing so, everything worked except the IPB Forum.

Please advise as to IPB ability to operate under PHP 8 and what changes must be made.

Thanks in advance for any support assistance.



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The 4.7.x series of IPB have all REQUIRED PHP8.  So if you're running the latest version, it's absolutely compatible with it.  Either you're missing a PHP module as noted by Marc above... or you have a 3rd party resource (application or plugin) that is not compatible with PHP8.

If Marc's check above comes back clean, I would suggest disabling all 3rd party resources and testing.  If you can't login to your ACP, use recovery mode to disable everything for you.  


Edited by Randy Calvert
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