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Completed registration mail setup

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I can't find the settings for this 🥺

We have some custom profile fields and I have switched on the mail notification to yes for completed registration. So far so good.

But in the mail I receive I see some profile fields settings (some I don't want to) and some are not displayed in the registration mail.

Where can I set the fields to display in the mail? 


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7 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Do you have an example of one that is and one that isnt? I can then take a look and tell you whats happening

Yes for example in the mail I receive:  (took just the 3 last ounces, some text is in Dutch)

De mijne is:

VFROC Lidmaatschapsnummer::

About Me:

I've added a custom profile field:

Lidmaatschap VFROC:  Nee/Ja  ->. required. (dropdown choice)

This is the one I would like to see in the mail.


Edited by Vfrloos
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