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A few beginner questions that I would be happy to help with

Haim Rafael

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Hello everyone,
* I apologize in advance if the thread is not meant for here
I have some questions / request for help, I would appreciate your help please
- How do I make a line on the nick in the "suspended / banned" user group? -
- Is there a way to make a custom nickname for the user?
- How can I make usergroups shimmer / glow? (winning ranks, etc.)

- How can I add the section of rate the theme like here?
Thank you!

Edited by Haim Rafael
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Hi Haim,

6 minutes ago, Haim Rafael said:

How do I make a line on the nick in the "suspended / banned" user group?

There isnt really a suspended/banned group. This is a state of a user account rather than a group.

7 minutes ago, Haim Rafael said:

Is there a way to make a custom nickname for the user?

You can add custom profile fields for any extras you want to add like this. Please see the following guide on how to do this


8 minutes ago, Haim Rafael said:

How can I make usergroups shimmer / glow? (winning ranks, etc.)

You would need to add your own markup for this within the group settings. You will see "Group Formatting" on there, which you can switch to use html if required 

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2 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

היי חיים,

אין באמת קבוצה מושעה/אסורה. זהו מצב של חשבון משתמש ולא של קבוצה.

אתה יכול להוסיף שדות פרופיל מותאמים אישית עבור כל תוספות שאתה רוצה להוסיף כך. אנא עיין במדריך הבא כיצד לעשות זאת


תצטרך להוסיף סימון משלך עבור זה בתוך הגדרות הקבוצה. תראה שם "עיצוב קבוצתי", שאותו תוכל לעבור לשימוש ב-html במידת הצורך 

Thank you very much for the answer!
I want the user group "suspended" to have a line like this "-" on the user name
And regarding the Zohar script, could you please guide me as to what code I can use?
And is it possible to change the user's title to something else and not to the name of the user group in which he is?

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3 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

ישנם משאבים של צד שלישי שיכולים לסגנן שמות של חברים אסורים. למשל בדוק:


Thank you! Exactly what I wanted and intended. bless you

How do I use it?

Edited by Haim Rafael
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