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Submitting a reply to a topic takes too long

David N.

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When I type a reply to a topic and click the green "Submit Reply" button, it takes 2 second, sometimes 3. This used to be much faster on my older host? I just replied to something in a XenForo board and it took only about 1/2 a second to save it.

On the other hand, when I edit a post, submitting the edit is fast. 

Edited by David N.
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Contact your host provider and tell him about this problem, he should know what to do. If you are saying that your old host didn't take so long to save/submit, that means that is something from your new host, there is a lot of stuff to take into consideration when "posting" there are more settings and such.

Edited by drawncodes
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The most common cause of these issues are delays in email (it sents email notifications out when posting) and issues with 3rd party applications that are doing things at the time of posting. Please disable any 3rd party items, and check the email error logs, if you are using your own email, to see if there are any issues there (System->Settings->Email)

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I have no errors in the Email error log. 

I use the following setting: 

Mail delivery method:
Invision Community in the Cloud
Uses Invision Community servers to send emails.

I have only one 3rd party app, "Unanswered Topics". I tried disabling it, posted a reply and it took about 4 or 5 seconds to save my reply. 

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5 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Please try with 3rd party plugins disabled also. Just tested this end, and that does seem to be having an impact

I disabled all 3rd party plugins and get the same issue. 

I created a test topic: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/147091-test-post/

Note that merging an add-on reply with the previous one is fast. 

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