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There are no applications available to upgrade

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I just got through doing a test upgrade and figuring out how to fix all the issues with our skins and server configuration. Once I cloned the server again and recopied our original prod files with the real database in the background, ready to do the production upgrade, I'm hit with this message... any way to fix this? I did all this pre-work with testing explicitly to avoid extra downtime...

Edited by Jyosua
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Sure. My site is normally hosted at forums.serenesforest.net. I stood up a new server at forums-staging.serenesforest.net with an upgraded version of PHP and a clone of my MySQL database on an upgraded version of MySQL, then copied all of the site files to the new server. After changing the conf_global.php to reflect the staging URL and changing the MySQL database endpoint, I downloaded the new version of Invision Community from the client area and uploaded the files to the staging server. I then executed the upgrade from https://forums-staging.serenesforest.net/admin/upgrade/index.php and after it completed, I changed the license key to be my test site license, fixed the skin issues, and downloaded the skin xml so I'd have it when upgrading for real.

After this, I backed everything up, set the site at forums.serenesforest.net to offline, recloned the production database (because it had been several days and people were using the site during that time), and repeated the process from the start. However, once I went to run the upgrade again after uploading the new Invision Community files, I got the error in the screenshot above.

Edited by Jyosua
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1 minute ago, Jyosua said:

I downloaded the new version of Invision Community from the client area and uploaded the files to the staging server

This is the part you need to check. If you have it saying no applications to upgrade, and you are not already on the latest release, you havent uploaded those to the correct place or that upload failed. 

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2 minutes ago, Jyosua said:

Are you sure it's not just because my server's IP changed after already successfully upgrading once?

I'm sure, yes. It checks the files to see if there is an upgrade present. In your case it doesnt find updated files. There really isnt anything more to it

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I'm pretty certain something, somehow is marking the forum as already upgraded even though it's not. Exactly what files determine whether or not it sees an upgrade available?

I'm extremely tired right now after fighting with this for hours, after having already spent over 20 hours across the past couple days working out the details of this upgrade. I would like to resolve this before I need to go to sleep for work and my site is down because of this issue at the moment.

I can't really use the admin CP at the moment for any of its troubleshooting tools because it's broken as well. I checked the logs and see errors like this:


SELECT count FROM `ibf_core_follow_count_cache` AS `core_follow_count_cache` WHERE class='IPS\forums\Topic' and id=97641
IPS\Db\Exception: Table 'database_name.ibf_core_follow_count_cache' doesn't exist (1146)

I would assume those errors are because the upgrade hasn't been executed, though.

Edited by Jyosua
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  • Solution

Thanks to some external help, the issue was identified to be that my redis cache hadn't been flushed prior to attempting the upgrade. Since I had done this upgrade and tested it before on the staging server before attempting to promote it to prod, the redis cache already had objects from 4.7.6 in it, despite the database reflecting the actual, older version.

Although this didn't happen to me on the dry run, I did have other errors because the new server originally didn't have redis on it when I first started testing this upgrade, while the old server did. Lesson learned: always disable caching prior to upgrades.

I kinda wish that was in big bold letters in the upgrade manual, though...

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